Chapter 84 Part A & Update

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Chapter 84 Part A

The escalation had gone out of control with that doppelganger monster. As I shake off the pain of being thrown, by that monster. As we are dusting ourselves off, we find we'd been warped into a new area, tumbling onto the ground as if we were thrown like rag dolls through time space.

Sunghee is alert while I'm still getting my bearings.

It seems the vertigo gravity throw thing I was feeling was partly our being dumped through a time space vortex into a sandy place, similar to a beach, only not a beach at all. It's not only a new different feel but we're not actually in the same room as before.

When we found ourselves on the floor I was the last to pick myself back up. That fall didn't do well for my sore back, which wasn't sore before the fall. My head didn't feel too good hitting the ground either, and my ears were ringing for a bit. I risked a small heal on each of my sore spots, just in case. I think the damage was mostly psychological however, to scare us and not life threatening.

It all goes away with the small heal magic formations I activated.


Fortunately my light spell is still working as I got used to our new surroundings. It had flickered a few times and almost went out in the fall but I'd managed to keep my concentration on it, to keep it going. It floated near my head with ease and a soft glow.

"Funny, how that light does very little, but is actually very comforting," Sunghee said.

"I'd call not being able to see not 'very little'," Fox interrupts trying to get fierce.

"Whatever, you get what I mean," Sunghee retorted.

Interesting...Fox appears to have some kind of safe fall skill? No way! I hadn't noticed it before the last time this happened because of things being so dark and not having perfected my light spell. But when we had fallen through this gravity well door or whatever it was, she'd landed on her feet lightly almost like a real cat or fox. Because she was a type of demi-human race it made sense that she would know and be able to do things humans couldn't. Of course I'm sure there are limits to how much it can help out. She couldn't like fall of a hundred foot drop with no damage, that would be unrealistic.

It seems that both Fox and Sunghee had been through this kind of thing before. Fox was the first to get back up, since she was used to the feeling of the whole gravity vertigo thing. But Sunghee gets up pretty quickly too.

Sunghee had landed by rolling to the ground to absorb the impact. She's not hurt too badly but I use a small heal on her knees and ankles just in case. "I'm OK," she grunted after dusting herself off.

How did they do it? My legs still felt like jelly. Looking up I can see whatever door we'd fallen through to get to this room was now gone and closed. When using the light heal on myself and the others I'd stayed on the ground because the fall had made me feet hurt a lot. I'm a bit surprised when Sunghee offers her hand. She helps me up. She has a good grip, and despite looking somewhat slender has strength to her with good balance.

I also never tire of seeing her in a girl's school uniform tight blouse and short skirt. The sneakers she's somehow cleaned up too. Her top buttons are undone still, to tempt me bursting at the seams. And when she leaned over to dust off her feet she didn't realize how much temptation that was she has no bra on so her long hard nipples stick out. It seems she wants to be close. I can see it in her eyes that she's acting like I'm a sheep to her wolf...or vice versa.

I feel grateful to have Sunghee. She's like the light spell to me psychologically. She has an inner strength not much different from Asakura but in a different way.

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