Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

The camp around us is wrecked.

"Jeez, what a freaking mess," Asakura said seeing the whole place.

"She's right. Man, there's a lot of shit everywhere," Rina admits.

They are both sizing up the damage and trying to figure out how to get their morale up enough to start.

"You know I hope you can develop some magic skills for cleaning stuff up," Asakura said.

She has a point. That would be super useful. Even if you were an archmage and had total power if you had to still toil and grind your bones away cleaning and farming what's the point of all that power...

"The tents are intact at least, but I can see a few of them are banged up," I said.

"That's good or I'd probably mutiny. I just want a clean dry place to sleep," Asakura said. "I need at least that much to function."

"Amen," Rina echoed.

"Being able to sleep in peace is nice huh?" I admitted.

We're surveying the site where the battle erupted.

There are guts everywhere from both goblins, and the dwarves. There isn't a whole lot from us, thanks to the runic shielding spell. Technically the tents weren't right on top of the battle site, but they were definitely close. But the collection, gathering, and sorting areas weren't by our tent. Which was why our tent was still dry but the girls had lost all the stuff they'd scavenged.

"Do we know how many dwarves died yet?" I asked Asakura.

"Give me just a sec to find out for sure," she replied.

Rina remains silent now that we're talking about real life and death.

Part of me is anxious and resentful that we couldn't save all of them. But in all fairness this was a super boss monster. To have any of us live was amazing already.

Asakura's looking over the dwarves while we rest and I can see her making a tally in her head but because she hasn't said anything yet I don't know if she's counting live or dead. It's inevitable that I have to take a breather. The dwarves know it too.

But it's a good thing because now I can see that the dwarves have their own medic too. There are two of them actually, but they don't have magic. They are just using clean white bandages and some kind of chemical medicine paste on the wounds of the others.

We can see them working tirelessly even though they want to rest.

"Wish we can wash this filth off my overalls," Asakura says to me. She puts her hand on my back, and it lingers there. She sort of gets closer and leans against me, very subtle like. I then feel her hand stroking the back of my neck too. Then somehow it's turned into a massage.

"Oh that feels good," I said.

"Nice job, you saved us. I know I can count on you," she says.

Wow even with goblin guts on her she's amazingly beautiful. I can't help but notice her hand stays there, while we rest.

"So are you guys going to like make out now?" Rina says with flushed cheeks.

I don't say anything but Asakura is furious. We both whirled and turn on Rina at about the same time. "You little devil! Man, I wish I had something to throw at you! Why do you do stuff like that?" Asakura has her hands on her hips.

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