Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

As I enter the dream state this time, I'm surprised when I find myself back at the orc training room.

I actually should set a goal to find out if there are other areas in here, and if there are other secrets.

Sunghee and Fox Girl are sparring together. They are using Sunghee's spell skills to have summoned weapons of some kind made of energy like I'd seen her use before. It's very surprising. When the weapons hit each other there are tons of sparks in many colors showering over the whole area. They also move as if in a dance with perfectly in sync with each other.

They seem to get along well and have great flow together from a lot of trust. It's pretty amazing.

It's beautiful.

It seems that Fox cheats a lot though using her magic. Sometimes when Sunghee gets too close to hitting her and puts her in a tight spot she does this quick gravity jump thing. I'm not sure what kind of skill it is, since I've never seen such things before. But when she uses it, it's like she's very quickly in another place usually behind Sunghee's unguarded back.

I guess because of the shared mana pool regeneration rate Fox doesn't have to worry about recharging her power anymore.

But Sunghee is used to watching for such visual trickery and underhanded tricks and immediately parries the blow. After I realize the point isn't to be seen like a knight, but rather to survive I change my mind about it being underhanded. Actually she is just practical and doesn't care what others think in the process.

They do seem a bit happier than before.

But do I take that to mean they are fully with me? Recent events have led me to believe so. Perhaps I need to investigate it a bit to see how far they will go?

"Eh? I thought we would end up back in the demon realm?" I asked.

"Heck no! You have to remember this is based on the demon box as the convergence of power and entities, not the demon realm itself being a focus at all. Think of the demon realm and its power like fuel, but not the steering wheel or the engine. The convergence is also the focal point and where all the energy is concentrated too. Where did you think we'd end up?" Fox's nose is scrunched up.

"Eh? I wondered about that actually. But you have an idea how engines work is surprising," Sunghee said.

"Of course I do. Bending reality means seeing and studying other realities," Fox said quickly. She wouldn't say more about it than that, however.

"Well..." I shook my head. It was too confusing to know everything all at once.

"I thought we'd end up in the demon realm too, actually?" Sunghee shrugged. She'd put down her weapon and was breathing hard. She stretches out and her arms are reaching out and up. She's trying to push her bust out as she stretches taking in a deep breath.

Wow she is starting this game early huh? I didn't realize how fixated she was on me. Her posture is very comfortable and close to me. She also avoids looking at or facing Fox when I'm around. Often I find her staring at me. Plus, its worse because of the pheromones; and she might have been fixated on me in the first place just from saving her.

Sunghee is dressed like she is a student of our school now. I can't help but think the school uniform is tight however. They walk over to me. I'm secretly disappointed that she's buttoned up the front. But when Fox isn't looking she does undo the top two buttons, winking at me.

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