Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

Dream State;

"So what's the blue screen for?" I asked anxiously. It's hard to contain myself. Anytime a blue screen has popped up so far it's been good. I reluctantly give up the last pair of girl's clothes to Sunghee. We'll have to make more or improvise later. I might be able to scrounge up some dwarven clothes still...

"Don't let anything happen to these. They are the last pair," I cautioned to Sunghee after giving her the new pair of school girl clothes that are too small for her but all that I have at the moment.

"What?! It's not my fault!" Sunghee exclaimed.

"Oh please, you don't think it's too convenient that you came back totally naked to seduce Shun? Even I've got eyes you know," Fox scoffed.

Sunghee blushed. "Sorry."

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Fox seemed like she was in a bad mood. Huh? Is that what happens when you get low mana? Does it make some people like whiny or others easily mad?

"Back to the screen, ladies? Please help me out with it," I urged them back to our current issue to solve.

"Hmm you got another one? How many times has it been now?" Fox is coming in closer. She's going over it. But she lets Sunghee read it to me.

"This is pretty good pace," Sunghee mused as she's coming closer to me.

"I know right? I can hardly believe it!" I said.

"I wonder what it could be? Is it something new or an upgrade of something else?" Sunghee guessed. She's finally got the school uniform skirt on and has put her arms through the sleeves. She isn't doing up the buttons yet however and there's a lot of skin up top showing...

"Guess we'll find out," Fox acknowledged. She's a little bit further away and sitting on her heels with her ears pricked up. Even though she's trying to look dour, she's obviously interested. "I guess it's safe enough to look now. I don't think there are any more of those imps here..." she added.

Sunghee is surprised again, "Well OK, let's go over everything. Give me just a minute. Some of these words are kind of hard to figure out. This is a second language to me too you know."

Her finger traces ahead and then back a few times. It's a good two minutes before she's able to pull anything up. "Wish Egyptian used a sound alphabet instead of this picture crap..."

"So what's up?" I asked.

Sunghee's face is scrunched up. "OK, I think that word is minion right?" She asks Fox.

Fox takes a minute also but then came closer. "It's an altered hieroglyphic again. But it's not's something else. Hang on a sec, its coming to me and it's on the tip of my tongue," she explains to me.

"No wonder I couldn't make it out," Sunghee bit her lip.

"And that means what?" I asked.

"Oh wait a minute. I remember now. So, I think it's the word for like a familiar? But the problem is that it's a specific type and I don't know this word's full meaning. Both mages, summoners, and demons can have familiars, and that's another issue entirely. I have an idea of what its saying based on the context, but I'm not hitting it fully because there are like several words for a familiar in Egyptian," Sunghee said.

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