Chapter 161 & Release Update

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Author Notes; 

So Luck Mage book 2 manuscript is ready. Its going to be up on Amazon for you to acquire any day now. I'm just waiting on the cover art to come back. I think the cover art will delay probably 2 days. But everything should work out smoothly with the release very soon, and probably before the 20th of this month. I'm very excited for this and sure other people are also. 

Thank you for your patience on this. 

Chapter 161

Shun point of view

Our party keeps moving forward on the rancher's dirt road overgrown with tall foliage and weeds past the waists of many of the dwarves.

We will accomplish this mission!

Bit by bit we're also breaking down the trail that probably hasn't been used in at least a week because only the farmers and ranchers come out here. And the vegetation grows fast so we have like...wet grass stains on the ankles of our pants with dew from the moisture in the air. The air still has the chalky smoke smell that's been drifting up from lower in the value where the orcs are already raiding.

The dense vegetation getting taller means more danger for ambushes. I

I kept my team close.

It's a damn mess. You can see there was an orc raiding party here as in not just down in the valley, but here like where we are now. Sunghee points it out; she has a tracker skill too apparently from growing her adventurer job. Sometimes she'll kneel to the point of almost touching the ground to look at enemy tracks.

"Looks like they passed this way not too long ago," she confirmed.

"I knew it. It's just our luck," Rina said.

"Can you tell like many hours ago?" Gyle asked.

"I'm more concerned with how many, but how long ago is also important," I said.

"Not that specific but see how the prints in the mud are clear and very sharp edged? That shows its fresh. We could run into them any minute now," she said to us to warn us.

I can see and feel the dwarves getting more nervous. Some of them get shifty, almost as much as the horses.

They can feel it too; that the enemy is near!

That's the weird thing about horses also; they can smell orcs and don't like the smell. I don't know how that works, but they aren't any special kind of horse. They are plain and ordinary horses, but horses get scared around some kind of animals like bears, mountain cats, and wolves. To them, orcs must be in the same category; predators!

I wonder how that will pan out later too because it takes extra time to calm down the horses after they've smelled orcs in the area.

"Maybe we should go back. If they are already here then there won't be anything to save," one dwarven youth suggested.

"Dude, we just started," Rina said. "We don't quit."

"We finish the mission. We're doing this and we'll do it right," I shoot him down fast verbally before any others join his opinion.

"Well if they already are in the area won't they already be at the ranchers houses?" Gyle asked Sunghee directly.

"Not necessarily, the tracks don't go straight at the map markings for the rancher house locations. They are kind of all over the place. They also have to stake out figuring out where all the water holes are for their armies first. Since they don't come here all the time, if they can't get fresh water, their troops can't fight either," Sunghee confirmed.

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