Chapter 102

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Author note; Sorry this was put up late!

 Chapter 102

Living in a dwarven noble's house...ahhh this is the life!

We awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. Oh this is nice.

Even though I can't eat them I still like the smell and miss them terribly...that thought makes me want to bang my head on the dresser. Bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns...yum.

But when I wake up I'm also relieved too that I haven't accidentally teleported Sunghee with me. Nor is she connected to me anymore in the sex morph form or whatever it was. I am looking like a normal person pretty much...except my dong is still much fatter and thicker than a human's should be; not to mention a little bit longer.

Actually the sex demon morph thing scared the hell out of me. Even though it felt good, I was worried about what I'd turn into and if it would permanently stick Sunghee to me like a Siamese twin or something.

I decided I wasn't ready for it and that I'd shelf that ability for awhile. Who knows what problems it would have, plus anything that wasn't a demon would for sure try to kill me for if they saw it.

I feel really drained and tired from yesterday and whatever energy the sex demon morph did though. It must be an energy inefficient system because I'm feeling like my muscles ache all over too, and like something similar to heat exhaustion.

"Damn, I love bacon and eggs. The only thing better than this would be adding in hash browns," Rina said awaking with a start. She's come into my room to wake us, which annoys me greatly. She's like all over talking excitedly but some of it I missed because I'd been waking up.

This house even by modern standards of Earth looks and feels good to be in. And it's well made.

It takes getting used to this house. The dwarven beds are smaller too, but it's still worked out because they are built to be comfortable and warm. We did have to curl up our legs together though during sleeping to prevent our feet from feeling cold and sticking out the bottom of the bed though.

I discover Rina is holding up a kerosene lamp of some kind as she came in so we can finally see what's going on. Last nate, very late we'd been escorted here and in such a hurry and so tired that we'd literally fallen into bed immediately before having a chance to scout the place out.

Svinn reassured us that the place was well protected and safe.

But is that an empty promise?

The goblins do have spellcasters. I've had us sleeping with my stealth magic ability active.

Rina was in the room next to ours. But it had taken a lot of discussion to make her sleep in a separate room as us.

But as usual she's come in to bother us.

This room is fairly small by modern standards, but for a medieval noble's house it's actually pretty awesome.

Like usual everything is made of stone and the walls are awesomely sturdy, made of square interlocking blocks that are much larger than brick and cut with extreme precision. There's also no space between each block, they are so well fit together. There's no ruin or decay in any way and the room has an awesome homely feel to it. The one window in the room is only there because we're on the second floor, and has the iron shutters shut tightly.

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