Chapter 84 Part B

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Chapter 84 Part B

In the dungeon continued...

I stare ahead at the damage. Wow. Fox has a lightning bolt move?

I want it, I want it, I want it...I definitely want to learn that!

Sunghee and I are both agape.

"You were hiding a cool special move like this whole time?!" Sunghee exclaimed.

I try to mask my emotions. Right now Fox is preoccupied with what's ahead, but I'm afraid if she looks at my face she'll see a strange look on my face and that won't help any since she's still getting used to the idea that some humans are still good people...I think.

Was it a full blown lightning bolt or something else though?

There might be types of variations I'm thinking. It could be a standalone spell 'lightning bolt' or something like a mana burst charged with a partial element that just looks like lightning or it could be something else. Am I compatible to learn it? Imps aren't as weak as they look, I thought remembering what had happened the last time we'd fought imps. But that spell dispatched them easily.

Before we leave the room we have to check for imps that can hide. According to Fox some of them are good at blending in the shadows. So it means Sunghee guards the doorway that's in front of us to block it while Fox and I go over every nook and cranny to make sure nothing else is hiding.

There's no treasure either, but just rotting wood and torn up bits of rags. The imps also were defecating in the corner of the room...weird. Doesn't the stench of their own business bother them?

Every once in awhile I check with Sunghee on being able to go over the route we've just taken and how we got here. Fox puts up with it, while Sunghee quizzes me on which way I'd go if we had to run quickly. She made a good point that if you suddenly were facing forward the whole time and suddenly had to turn around to flee, most people would have a huge mental block that would slow them down enough to be attacked several times over before they start moving again, or else end up taking a dead end tunnel leading off the main system and then get surrounded and killed. I hadn't noticed also how reversing our direction to go back more dead end tunnels are visible than this direction because of the angle of many of their hidden entrances when facing the other way.

We go over it again and again until I can recite the passage ways and maze we've gone through so far with it coming to my mind in a second. According to Sunghee this type of being able to think fast is the difference between adventurer's that live and those that die, whether licensed or not.

After I got it down Sunghee tried to give me another full body hug, but Fox blocked her stepping between us quickly. It ended up making Fox and Sunghee hugging in a strange erotic manner by accident, embarrassing both of them which made me have to cover my smirk.

"Are you ladies finished?" I said.

"Eep, that's not supposed to be how it was meant to happen," Fox said shyly.

"Eh, why'd you cock block me?!" Sunghee said with frustration.

"You're...warm," Fox said.

"Nah, it's just the cave that's cold," came the retort from Sunghee.

"Are you going to let go of me already?" Fox complained.

Actually it was kind of hot...Fox is as good looking as Sunghee...and it was a weird pose like a couple of lesbians might end up having. Rina and Yumi would be totally having nose bleeds right now with Yumi having a bonus drool chin spam thing going on.

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