Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Site of the Goblin Invasion; Gnome Warren Entrance

The battle is intensifying but hasn't gotten to every part of the courtyard yet.

I tried to feel my mana pulse again, as I get ready to reveal my new secret skill. It felt stable. If I was careful then...this should work right?

But then I realized another idea. Before I'd been trying to use mana until exhaustion and that had contributed to the manaburn condition. This time I should do the opposite. I should try to continually push for mana regeneration and then only burn off the excess mana carefully at higher levels when it felt really thick and intensely charging.

Of course I was sure situations would force me to go below that, but at least I had a good control measure in place to keep myself from having problems.

"What do you want us to do? Shun you have to save us please! Please, please, please I'll do anything!" Asakura asked me.


But I'm scared too. Wait, no, I'm just nervous. I can do this.

I just received a ton of skills recently too. Let's make this happen; I told myself.

"Shun, don't let us down there, now that the cowards have left," Rina says flipping off Akira near us. It seems he was staring at Rina for some reason just a second ago. Was he trying to get her to leave too? I was going to have to punish him.

"I want a bodyguard formation. Asakura to my left, Rina to the right, and Yumi you are our front shield. Follow my lead," I said.

"I don't see why Shun gets to be..." Yumi was elbowed in the gut again, by Rina.

"Just do it," Rina put her in her place. She was giving Yumi an ugly look again. Yumi's defiance melted into a lost puppy look.

"But why does he always get to be in charge?" Yumi huffed wanting to protest.

"That's just the way it is," Rina shrugged. "You got cheated in the life before this one, I guess. You rolled a one, and bro rolled a ten. That's fate." Where did she get such a weird ass idea? Life was more than a dice roll.

"Actually Shun, has the best chance of getting us out alive. That's why he's leading and not me, even though I'm the adult here," Asakura said to Yumi.

That surprised me. But she's right.

"Please Shun, get us through this," Asakura said again desperately. "Please!" She leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Of course to do so, she had to lean her cleavage into my face.

They moved into position. Everyone had their weapons out. The other humans were being encouraged to join the defense in their same teams as before.

So it was a good chance to try out my new skills.

I hoped we'd have enough time to test things on a dry run before the goblins got here.

I remembered the names for the skills in Egyptian that Sunghee and Fox had shown me. First was the runic shield. I put one on me. I drew the same rune in the air that I'd seen as before. The magic flared in the tip of my finger while drawing the symbol and then it looked like for a brief two seconds that I was standing in a clear translucent bubble of solid protective force. Thankfully it doesn't impede movement in any way and adjusts well. But there is a good feeling of it being there, in spite of this.

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