Chapter 149B & Update!

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Author's Note; 

Thank you for your support! 

And yes, I am only a couple days away from my new book release on Amazon. The title will be 'The Luck Mage', and this will have at least 3 books in it! Very excited to give readers early notice. Probable release date in like 2 or 3 days. 

 Chapter 149 Part B

Goblin sub-commander point of view in Goblin headquarters

"What are they doing? They didn't try to push us back on the main road?" I voiced aloud.

My shaman assistants know not to answer. I like my slaves to be quiet and docile, and so at first they usually hesitate a few seconds to see if it's safe to talk. It's my job to do the thinking and their job to do the actions I require. Even their ugly ass floppy ears are hanging in docile shame like the curs they are.

Both of them are sickly looking from smoking too much of that drug trash that shamans use to help induce hallucinations that they call dreams from their war god. They are also covered in magic tattooing which is how a lot of shamans apply longer lasting war buffs.

Fucking maggots, I spat.

Oops I said that aloud again. I need to be careful what I say mentally huh...

My second mistake was also for my minions to see my disdain for them in front of them openly. Ahh but I probably have messed up on that one too many times to be believed anyway.

Oh well, who cares. They are totally dominated anyway.

I pace the command tent room while I think. I'm considering my next move carefully. I also shake the ache out of my shoulders and back while I pace. And my knives weren't sharp enough the last time I disciplined my troops.

We can do this.

We've gone over every possible scenario a hundred times already at least, possibly more. And my troops are way more disciplined and trained than those belonging to the other two sub-commander maggots.

Those two are idiots.

Where is their creativity? Their genius? Their perception of their craft being an art? And all they could manage was a full frontal dogfight against the dwarves as a suggestion to help out? I can be way sneakier than that.

"No that won't do. They'll expect a full frontal assault. And a dogfight with the dwarves will go in their favor with the dwarven armor that we can very often not even afford a cheap version of," I said to myself.

I ended up pacing again.

We can avoid the dogfights of man to man on a line if we are clever enough. And that's my job and I'm pretty good at it. But to manage it means you have to have a lot of alertness and good eyes and spies out there while you think like three steps ahead of the dwarves and their ability to move and defend. I'm also competing with this being their home ground, which is why I had our spies get a good city map months ago to prepare for this.

My command center tent has human skull candles (and yes they are real human skulls, not the cheap ones sold at Gob-mart) that I'd been supplied with that give off an eerie glow. And true to goblin form, we use red candles, and red wax to give the little bit of light in the room a bloodthirsty feel to make us feel more comfortable.

We make them by of course stolen wax from the humans which we mix with blood to color red and add a color preservative, to make candles which we fit inside real human skulls. Having a lot of them in your tent, or cave is a sign of virility and power among my tribe and that of others.

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