Chapter 155

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Chapter 155

"Hey Fox! I need you!" I yelled loudly while kicking the hobgoblin body out of the way. I need to check Ayumi's vitals but she's in panic mode and doesn't know why she's there. She barely recognized me but is also looking around afraid of boogeymen and other things coming out of the dark corners, not to mention trying to figure out where she is. I can't touch her without the others helping me calm her down. They need to hear the story from others besides me.

"Just stay calm. Everything will be OK. I'm getting you out," I said.

"What?! What is this place?!" she is panicking bad.

"Just hang in there. I'll try to help you soon," I said.

"Where am I? What's going on?!" she cried out.

"You're safe that's what matters," I said.

Somehow I barely made a dent in convincing her I wasn't going to harm her, but it was also the fact that the poison sludge or whatever it was in her had made her weak too. She can't really fight me, even if she were to try.

"I-I th-think I know you. It's Shun right?" she asked in shock while looking around. She's trying to figure out what was going on; but nor would she want to. She's instead wanting help and comfort.

She's disoriented and confused.

That will also make her heart rate and adrenaline race, which will spread the poison and other stuff more. That's the last thing I need. It's going to be that much harder to get her stable with her thrashing around, so I told her so.

"Who's Fox? Shun? Are you going to get me out of here!" Ayumi pleaded desperately, looking around confused. She pounds at the door, since the holes in it aren't big enough to get through. She's trying to shake the door to her room that's now damaged. But at the same time the strange poison black veins are racing across her skin and she's turning gray.

Yeah we need to get in there and help her calm down.

I just hope it's not an undead like poison. That would really suck.

I rush and finally get the door open and reach towards her. It took me a few seconds for the magic seal to recognize me as the portal dimension owner. She's so sick she doesn't even realize she's not wearing clothes. And the spidery vein things and her sweating with the sick skin color make her look really awful right now. The sickness spreading through her makes her flesh look feeble and weak, invoking a pity response from the rest of us.

Is she really going to make it? It looks bleak.

"Oh I don't feel good. Can you help me? Please, I don't feel good. Something's not right...," she said. She would have fallen over, except I somehow caught her.

"Careful with her, any jarring even the slightest amount could aggravate her condition," Asakura said.

"Easy, easy, let me help you put her down," Fox said. She reaches out to grab her legs and hip while I've got her shoulders, neck, and head. Then Asakura started to help ease her down too.

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