Chapter 177

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Chapter 177

Ayumi point of view

Weird, why did I do that anyway? I'm suddenly feeling like extreme embarrassment that's flooding throughout my being. I would have felt even worse but strangely I'm still intensely attracted to Shun even though I don't know why. Normally I don't just screw anyone I see. I can't rationally explain why I crave sex with Shun right now though. In fact, I'd still want to fuck some more if it weren't for the earthquake and needing a rest.

And...does that mean Shun is my husband now?

My parents were very hardcore extreme conservatives. You absolutely do not pursue flings with parents like that. And if they hear about it, arranged marriage would probably result. I grew up thinking you only have sex with the person you consider your spouse. I've always believed that. I never wanted to do anything halfway that was fake.

I'm did this happen?

But I feel cravings for him still.

Plus I feel so drawn to him.

But how did that escalate so quickly?! Love at first sight?

Does love at first site exist then? I'd never believed until...well...

I never believed such things until now. Plus I can't get enough of that. Wow Shun was so good at sex! I find myself with another itch to go again. How do people deal with such feelings? The feeling of wanting to mate is so attractive and strong that it's hard to resist once you know what it's like.

So ...I hope Shun is OK with a permanent relationship? Oh gosh...what will my parents say? I fucked one of my students too. I will...have to change schools probably if we ever got back to the real world. I'm lucky we're on a different world come to think of it.

Wait what am I saying? We can't get back. And even if we did my parents wouldn't acknowledge me as their daughter looking like something that should be in a young adult ero game huh?

So...I inwardly sigh.

It all comes back to that horrific night when we were all pulled into this world. Everything is completely changed. I'll be lucky if I can figure out how to survive and adapt to this world. I have to think about how to live from here.

But Shun seemed like he already knew about those things somehow. There was a confidence about him that was scary and yet addictive at the same time.

I have to hope that Shun will take care of me if I'm pregnant.

Err...this weird modified body that he called a demon body, does it even get pregnant?

How could I have fallen so easily on a first date. Momma wouldn't like that, and it's good she's not here.

Why did I have sex with him? I remember very clearly that I had initiated it though, not him. Am I a fallen woman? Is this nymphomania? only takes once for that huh?

A lot of mixed feelings keep flowing through me.

Oh man...and I told myself I'd never do that. I didn't expect to need birth control or that I'd be in this position did I?

The arena suddenly started to shake. It's shaking and wobbling like an earthquake. There's something weird about this place already even before the earthquake started come to think of it.

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