Chapter 94 Part A & Update

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Chapter 94

Dream State Pocket Reality

I realize there's something wrong with me as soon as I'm awake in the pocket reality.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about sex non-stop since pretty much before I'd gone on patrol with the dwarves and it was at the edge of my ability to hang onto when both of the girls are around me topless. It's scaring me actually. Normally somebody should feel like they are able to get it under control after they release but I haven't been able to do so. Instead the feeling has grown, and not just grown but grown considerably. The feeling of being drowned in a hurricane isn't an exaggeration.

No shirts on Asakura and Rina didn't help.

It's like my teeth hurt so bad that I want sex so badly. I'm sure my eyes are probably bloodshot as well, and I've got this feeling of being on edge all the time and unable to relax. I've been in the dream state for about an hour and a half now.

I'd decided to take more control over my relationship with the girls and had met up with Sunghee early before she was able to be with Fox. It wasn't easy to do but I concentrated on her and her alone with me in her room until finally it was realized.

"Wow it finally worked!" I said to myself. If I can do that, then I'm one step closer to also releasing Haruka and Ayumi Sensei.

I was able to control where in the dream state I ended up at!

Of course that had been over an hour ago when I'd met Sunghee.


We stared at each other in the others for the first ten seconds.

"So, we're alone, finally," Sunghee said. She cleared her throat. She doesn't take her eyes off me and is giving me a hungry look that is very intense and almost violently lustful.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time!" Sunghee gasped.

"You have?" This was interesting.

"Well Fox kept cock blocking me for the longest time. I need this! Now!" she said harshly.

And then suddenly she's thrown herself violently at me and our teeth are scraping each other's tonsils. For over an hour we'd been mating non-stop. She's completely naked and we're both all sweaty but I'm only missing my shirt, with my pants only down just enough to not get in the way of our deep penetrating connection.

But Sunghee is more creative and more dominant in sex than Asakura apparently. Or maybe that's just how the demon pheromones make people? I'm not sure how much subliminal suggestion there is, that are part of the will imposed by the pheromones yet, if any.

I have a startling revelation just now that the pheromones make the girls want sex probably as much as several times more than I do. It messes with their brains quite a bit. It's amazing there hasn't been a lot of problems more than we currently have.

But why isn't Sunghee drugged to the point of being in a vegetable mode like Asakura? The longer we go at it, the more I'm sure that her reaction is a bit different. It's mostly the same but no veg mode. Maybe she's had more time to become resistant or more solid about this world by having been in it longer.

Either way Sunghee I can see is a very pure person in her loyalty to me from the start; she'd just had a bad end by getting captured by the wrong people. Also Asakura had slipped into sleep mode very early on, but Sunghee is just getting more and more excited and vocal. Sometimes she giggles uncontrollably and is constantly huffing and can't even say she wants more, even though she does.

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