Chapter 114

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 Chapter 114

Dream State...

Fox and I freeze up unconsciously for about three seconds staring at where that arm had just snatched Sunghee away from us!

"We have to move!" I said loudly, yelling.

Then I activated my light spell at the same time Fox dives down the hole where Sunghee was just sucked in or pulled in from whoever or whatever that thing was. I tried to snatch back at where Sunghee was sucked in but I was woefully too late. She was so afraid that she's left some nail marks where she was trying to scrape her fingers raw trying to avoid being pulled in. That takes guts; most people can't handle having their fingernails scraped off because of how wretched it feels, so she was definitely scared.

"What the hell just happened?!" I screamed with wide open eyes.

"I don't..I don't know yet, but we'll solve it," Fox said trying to calm me down, but upset herself.

Fox can see how panicked I am so she repeats what she just said, and has a hand on my shoulder for comfort. This is the worst thing that could happen. I'm more attached to my companions than other people in an adventurer's party, so it's hitting me harder when something bad happens. Plus, it's Sunghee who was with me right from the beginning, so I'm really freaked out. I feel over protective of her naturally from wanting to save her from the hate, terror, and despair of this world. that why my desire magic is so focused on healing and protection? I'll think about that later. For now I have to get her back.

"I can't believe this is happening?!" I then said as I jumped into the hole. It was risky, because we weren't sure exactly what was on the other side of the hole. But somehow the way Sunghee was pulled down made me think there was something there on the other side...

We're both sliding down a giant slide with Fox making sure she has a hold of my pant leg both to stay together and because of the emotional trauma we're both experiencing of what's just happened. Fox is ahead of me with her ears laid flat against the back of her head like a terrified cat. Despite all of her bravado and jumping in quickly she is still scared of falling...who isn't right?

For long seconds we're sliding down in near pitch black which is terrifying.


We end up hitting the bottom, tumbling into a round torch lit room, like a small gladiator's arena after a good ten seconds of maddening fright that made my stomach queasy because the angle of the slide was so freaking sharp. We're also on a huge pile of sand in the middle of it. Although instead of benches for spectators to watch from on the outside, it has massive high walls going to the ceiling blocking any escape from the arena.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Fox cried out in spite of both of us landing on a soft sand pile. She's already trying to get up and on her hands and knees with her rear end sticking out facing towards me. She didn't realize that her skirt is flipped up. Wow; she isn't wearing underwear. I can see everything there almost, and only have my view partially blocked by her two tails which hang down from the same area.

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