Chapter 178

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Chapter 178

In the Dream State continued...

"After everything else so far, now there's a fucking vampire?!" Sylvie said while trying to get through it.

Sylvie is trying to get around it. When she goes left it keeps sacrificing pieces of its arm to prevent her from finishing it off with the massive blowtorch version mana sword. When she goes right it's the same thing, yet keeping the rest of itself safe and only sacrificing tiny bits at a time. He would probably normally be able to block such a terrible weapon, except this is a freaking meltdown sword with epic energy.

"Ah, I hadn't expected you to have something like that," the enemy vampire, or is it a ghoul, said. It was clearly sizing us up while talking to us also, and didn't hit it. This we could see with the enmity in its eyes, glaring at us.

Wait, I think its not a ghoul; but come to think of it ghouls do resemble vampires somewhat.

But is there some kind of relationship?

The amount of offensive power Sylvie is using can't be maintained indefinitely though, even though it's defensively impossible to hold off a huge pulse like that from that vampire(?) guy's point of view too...except in the way this boss goblin shaman has done.

"Heh, I see you fully appreciate my power now," the boss goblin shaman croaked in an old voice.

But like that we were surprised again.

From the ceiling another vampire also revealed itself and pounced at the same time, coming down with obscene speed and strength enough to kill.

Oh crap!

"There's two of them?!" Sylvie is confused.

So am I.

So are all of us.

We have to adapt fast! Or else...!

They'd hidden so well we couldn't even tell that they were there. There was obviously some form of magic involved, possibly using shadows.

Sylvie jumped back avoiding it, as it struck with no warning and with high speed. Its lucky that she also is a speed build or that might have been potentially fatal! She's forced to retreat fast. There's simply no other way to live. Her danger sense is better than Sunghee's too, so she managed to avoid a slice that was aimed for her neck by one of the vampires but it happened so quick that I didn't quite catch which vampire tried to do it.

Then something surprising just happened that made me freeze in indecision.

We're shocked again that the second vampire doesn't strike at us. It strikes the other vampire instead.

This is the strangest thing that we'd ever seen so far.

"What?!" the goblin shaman and I exclaimed both at the same time.

"What's going on?" Ayumi said.

"I don't...know?" I guessed.

It's clear that the boss goblin shaman doesn't know the second vampire? He looks as surprised as we are. This indicates the second one wasn't with him.

How can that be? What's going on?

"This is bizarre," Asakura said.

"Yeah..." I coughed out.

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