Chapter 150

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Thank you for your support and reading! Also, my new book is submitted to Amazon today. This means tonight some time, 'The Luck Mage, Book 1' will show up available for readers to acquire! I'm very excited to share the joy with readers on this! 

Also a bonus chapter today for your support below! Happy Reading! 

 Chapter 150

"HELLLPPPPP!" Sunghee continues to cry out desperately, with the massive ogre's fist closed around her waist with just one hand.

She's totally trapped and it's trying to fling her around to mash her to death. Somehow she's trying to avoid being mashed into buildings and land on her head. That's the hard part, not landing on her head while I spam runic shielding over and over.

I had to spam three more runic shielding spells hanging on Sunghee to keep her alive just like before within a very quick time frame. I didn't realize it but my overuse of this spell has helped my speed cast timing in the last few weeks which is the only reason she's still alive. Each time the ogre is trying to smash her into stuff the shield pops but barely takes the impact. But she's getting scratched up a bit too. The runic shielding spell spam is going to bleed a lot of power out though if it keeps up.

The dwarves are horrified at the new level of violence that they hadn't believed could actually happen.

"Save her!" The lieutenant balked. It's probably one of the few really good contributions he's done.

"Sharpshooters on the ogre now!" I yelled desperately.

The dwarves are immediately angered seeing the war princess getting thrown around like a rag doll and are now trying to storm the ogre. But without realizing it they just made more targets for him to smash Sunghee into.

This is also a reminder I want to get my stun to last longer and need more incapacitating skills to go with it.

The Lieutenant confirms the order. He shouldn't need to do that should he, or do they not trust me? Somehow the sharpshooters manage to divert their arrows to the ogre and especially its face, head, and chest.

I cast a fourth runic shielding bubble on Sunghee, while the arrows keep pelting him, and then a fifth. There's a lot of blood splashes as the darts ripple into his chest. This feels like its wearing me out still trying to keep up with him and I'm feeling light headed.

Even if I have a lot of mana, repeated chain casting with no breathers between it can start to make the body feel all kinds of awful. I feel weak and lightheaded from forcing mana through my body too fast. And it's a yucky feeling that's making it hard to cope with standing up.

There are now like six arrows in the ogre's chest, but he still won't die. If anything he's still trying to get up.

I spam more runic shielding on Sunghee while she's still screaming.

Gyle throws several throwing knives in a row at it. Three out of five of them hit the ogre in the chest, and one of them clipped Sunghee's thigh by accident when one of the shields had collapsed. But the knives just don't penetrate deep enough into the ogre. At the same time the front line dwarves with the body shields are straining with all their muscles and backs to keep back the rest of the goblins.

I hear Gyle and the others cursing.

Near me Rina is petrified and holding her breath.

The dwarves continue to shout angrily, and then there's more runic shielding spam from my end to save everyone. Meanwhile the ogre's arm gets slower and heavier from wasted stamina, but it still has this massive fist around Sunghee's waist. Like a roller coaster from hell coming to a stop, somehow he ended up slowing to the point of a normal speed instead of his on steroids from hell speed.

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