Chapter 137

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Author note; new release coming soon. I hope to have an update on which one next week. Finger's crossed. And thank you so much for your support. Please also check out my website if you haven't already. 

Chapter 137

When we try to slip out the back door of the adventurers inn, we're too late.

A lot of adventurers inns have a back door that's designed so that it can be used to leave quickly, but not be opened from the outside. This prevents people that won't pay or who don't have good intentions from bypassing the front desk. Adventurers...who are somewhat carefree in nature usually like doors like this.

But sometimes they can have trouble waiting outside.

We almost made it out but someone got jealous. It's always the big bully types that act out on their jealousy and anger.

What is it with these people? It's not that big a deal is it?

When we get to the back alley behind the inn we turn the corner and suddenly the same big guy is there that was in the inn.

"How did he get out here so fast?" Sunghee asked, blocking the distance between him and me.

And we can tell he's not here to be friends. He's huge, easily like 6 and a half feet tall, broad huge muscled chest and biceps that are crazy thick. He's like Moose in a way except he grew broad instead of eight feet tall.

He's blocking our escape not far from the back door of the inn's exit after we'd gotten outside. And the door has already autolocked and shut behind us.

"Not so fast kid. What's so special about you? You think you're tough huh? Huh?" he's trying to pick a fight.

"Looks like we weren't fast enough," Gyle's nose twitched.

"Yeah looks like," another guy said, next to Gyle. He's a thin guy dressed in dark colored clothes almost like a huntsman wearing deer leathered clothes but no armor. He's also pretty tough looking, standing next to the dwarf and cutting off moving around the other guy.

"Nobody has a zero fatality rate. I think your full of shit, and I intend to prove it. And then I'll take your women and your money too bitches," the first bigger guy said.

"But we don't have any quarrel with you guys," Rina spoke up quickly. She looks a bit cowed, but remembering I'm there she glances to me and is suddenly standing closer to me. She knows she would be tossed like a rag doll trying to protect me though.

She yelped and was almost grabbed when the guy tried to grab her. He was cut off by Sunghee intercepting him and using her dwarven war hammer to push his hands away from grabbing her in a very threatening and stern posture.

"Not so fast buddy," she said.

Sunghee barely managed to block the guy, but next time she won't be so lucky because there's too much weight difference and also she won't have surprise anymore.

"So who are you?" I asked the big guy. Then he spat on the ground in front of us as a type of insult. It also showed his poor hygiene.

"His name's Evan. He likes to challenge people in duels and take their stuff don't you Evan? Fact is the city guard has been eyeing you for awhile but there hasn't been any evidence yet. But sure have been a lot of missing people around you like crazy hasn't there?" Gyle asked him confidently not really waiting for the answer.

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