Chapter 124

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Author's Note;

Thank you very much for your support and reading. Also I apologize for being slow on some releases but I do have a lot of health problems that don't let me go as fast as I want to. As an update, I am going to try to have a necromancer series release before the end of November. I'm not sure if this is 100% going to be ready by then, but I will give it a try and thank you for your patience.

Point number 2; will have a Life Wizard chapter up this week also. Will move chapters from that story here, but it will still be ahead of this site on my own website.

Thank you very much.

Chapter 124 

 "I don't get it. Why are we running again?" Rina asked as the four of us ran out of the back of the shop where I'd just gotten my adventurer's license, knocking over some tables and stacks of old dusty books in the process. She yells at us to come back but we've already paid her and owe her nothing. Most likely she just wants us to come back in for some bribe.

I slammed the door behind me after Rina goes through while the shopkeeper's cries are muffled.

Svinn is also running with us. "You can't hurt the cat beastkin guy. They are dwarven citizens!" he cried after us worriedly.

"Whose side are you on?" Asakura gripes as we keep up the chase.

Hmm, that's odd. I guess the pheromones could let me make Asakura do whatever I wanted. She didn't object to the idea of hurting that cat beastkin guy.

Actually now I was kind of curious of beastkin people. How many varieties were there? Are they one culture or several? Are there many of them in this region?

I snapped back to reality while we're running.

"We're not here to hurt either of them. They don't have anything on us anyway for doing anything bad or good. But we don't need extra attention either so let's get out of here," I spat out, as we're trying to breathe hard.

I can hear Rina breathing hard as she runs behind me with Asakura ahead of us. Is Asakura still trying to catch that beastkin guy though? She seems to be headed towards him in order to protect my interests.

What will happen if she catches him?

"Where are we going Shun?" Rina spat out.

"Don't go after it. There's another way," Svinn protested keeping pace with me. "Shun, tell her," he said hoarsely running after me.

"Well we did get the license, and the old hag was a criminal herself so they might need time to figure out if they even believe her story if she calls the authorities. It wouldn't hurt to talk to him with a little incentive," Asakura said, smacking her fists together.

"True," I confirmed. I didn't feel so good about it.

But it could still cause us trouble, is the problem.

It's a long dark a dwarf city every alley is a dark alley of course. We try to make things easier by dodging all the empty and thrown away barrels and boxes that get stored outside. There's also a bunch of garbage in a bin waiting to get picked up.

Asakura almost caught him but none of us had been able to expect anything like a demi-human beastkin before. In one jump he's hurdled over a wall that's too big for us to jump over and it's a high wall. I guess cat beastkin have some kind of limited jump ability? Who would have guessed it.

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