Chapter 80

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Sorry got sick; so posted late.

Chapter 80

Dream State;

There's been so many days now that I'm starting to forget how many since we entered the gnome colony. Has it been that long? It seemed like yesterday that we just got here. But all the days were starting to run together.

I find myself in the training room.

But to my astonishment Fox isn't there. I frowned. She's the one I wanted to see. I'd had a hard time not going to sleep because of being so anxious and antsy.

Sunghee is, and I'm happy to see her. She waves, where she was polishing her weapon. It's good to see she's productive and in a good mood. She comes over to me quickly and gives me a really tight, long hug. Of course I can see she's wearing her shirt this time, though the top two buttons are still dangerously showing off a lot.

"Where's Fox?" I said, and I'm very upset.

It's starting to be a given that when I warp in here, or whatever it's called that the two of them are together.

"She had to rest; you have to remember she's been pushing the limits of her body for quite a while now. She's arranged for me to work with you for a bit while she rests. Also you're igniting and lighting up the energy sword didn't help any. She felt her mana draining like crazy when you did that."


"Yeah, you have to stop using the energy sword. It puts too big of a strain on Fox," she said.

But wait, that means Fox has some kind of telepathy skill or mind to mind communication skill. The demon box should put them all to sleep. So I need to build more rapport with Fox to see if I can get that skill! I wonder how many other skills she has that she hasn't told me about. The energy sword skill itself must have a whole ton of subset skills to learn just to be able to create it too. It was the telekinesis skill that's taught me that some skills require two or three other skills in order to be able to figure out how to use and make them.

I was too excited thinking about it, but then my attention gets ripped back to the present.

Sunghee is also touching me a lot now. Little by little her touch lingers longer and for more time.

"Sorry, couldn't be helped we had a boss level monster almost kill us. I'm lucky to be alive. Actually we would all be dead if Fox hadn't lent me that energy sword," I said.

This is...totally unexpected!

"Good thing it worked out, but you can give it back now," Sunghee said.

"What? You're crazy!" I exclaimed.

"If you use it like that again, you'll put Fox in the hospital, if not worse. It's a good weapon I know, but you aren't ready for it yet. Because you aren't ready for it, it's been pulling more of the energy draw from her," she said evenly.

"Do you understand the situation you put her in?" she asked, looking at me. Her hand is on mine; trying to help me understand that this is a situation I need to give in.

Crap. I really liked that new toy. I think I could already predict where this conversation was going...

My mouth is hanging open like a goldfish. "What?" I managed to say.

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