Chapter 82

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Chapter 82


We're really trapped down here!

Thoughts and fears like this can really get to you when you are down here and depressed. Even though we'd come close to finding the way out, it's hard to not be daunted by how long the water trap is to cross, and then finding its got at least one monster living in it is worse.

My mind began to race. The battle with the water serpent has made me see how humongous the danger of crossing the water tunnel is. I'd before also underestimated how big the water tunnel was. Now there might be more than one of those things down there, since serpents would like the same climates and they'd need a partner in order to mate.

I'm trying to meditate to calm myself but it's not working well because there's been so much stress lately. I have alarm bells going off in my head thinking about it. I hadn't killed it but just driven it off earlier. It must have also been pretty hungry to go after intelligent people instead of animals. If the dwarves try to cross with it still in there, it will just pick them off one by one.

We're so close to getting out of here!

If I can just hang on a bit longer!

I have to have a plan for dealing with it. If it's still there while any rescue is in progress it might just end up causing a decision maker on that other side of the tunnel to cancel trying to work further in this tunnel.

But what can I do?

Underwater fighting is extremely stressful because of the lack of being able to produce air. There's also the feeling of claustrophobia that grows in small degrees because of it. I also can't hold my breath very long and that last time when it attacked me almost killed me. Fighting underwater is much, much harder than above land too.

I will have to probably borrow that energy sword again, or get a breathing apparatus. But that's a problem too because by the time there is a breathing apparatus available they will want to leave immediately. We don't know if we'll have enough time to visit the dream state again before they will want to leave.


At the very least, while using my light spell I have been working on spreading more distance behind me and practice with extending weapons for a few seconds at a time through telekinesis.

I've been able to work out the distance now to seven feet away for the light, and now I'm trying to also stick it on gear. Really small distances or hand held I can do that already but not while the weapon is being held by others or held aloft through telekinesis.

I've spent the morning trying to figure out answers to our problems. The dwarves sometimes have arguments still. Their desperation is accelerated more than ours also because dwarves just don't like water period!

It's different people sometimes, as they are trying to master their self control in the face of despair. Although to be fair some of the fights are outright despair, but others are people just venting their frustration that return back to normal right after. But I don't think they are normally that dour, it's just the bad situation around us. I can't blame them, but when I'm tempted to feel pity for them a few of them look like they might stab me in the back.

I can't tell everything they are saying, but it sounds like some of them want to abandon the water tunnel idea and instead go over to the area where the original cave in was and dig out there. Again they were drawing out some kind of plan with each other. It seems like dwarves really like blueprints and that's why they draw a lot. There's also another faction of them that is trying to ping signals off echoing hammer strikes on some of the big rock formations in the cavern. Naturally nothing answers back and we can't really tell that anything is coming out of it, or what they ended up deciding.

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