Chapter 165

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Chapter 165

I still can't believe how close we came to being caught. I wipe the sweat from my forehead. And the others are around me also trying to de-stress while Rina is chattering about stuff that doesn't really matter.

"Wow that was so intense!" I hear her going on to Sunghee of all people. It's kind of funny that Rina and Sunghee have bonded like sisters.

Sunghee is listening patiently while glancing at me. "We should go home soon Shun. I don't like being out here anymore."

"I agree," Rina said right after that.

Gyle is trying to peek from behind some big crate bins in the alley to see if anyone is following us.

Good so far.

Crap, crap, crap....that was so close. I was literally seconds away from being tested. And who knows how it would have turned out.

If the clergyman hadn't been a greedy pig rapist then he would have caught me as being a half demon I think. We only didn't get caught because he was drunk on his own power. Perhaps he thought he sensed a demon and then calculated that they could get what they want as pretty girls and then rushed his judgment and common sense by wanting it to be women?

Actually he wasn't a real clergyman. They are victims of his also, because he smeared all the ones doing good out there that are real.

He seemed pretty shocked when what we believe was the first test turned out negative on Sunghee. That counts for something. He must have had a way of knowing there was a demon nearby or in our party.

I need to research this somehow.

And there's the red robed teenage mage girl.

She's just calm as can be. Wait is she watching us? She's so calm that it stands out a lot. The red robed teenage mage girl keeps explaining the situation to us over the next few minutes as we all hide in the alley at the back end of town.

Why did she follow us? Who was she? many cats nearby all the sudden...

This alley is filthy. Perhaps because I think this a restaurant next to us there must be like over thirty weird looking cats here. But stranger still is that it seems like the cats are watching us.

"That's guys done that to over forty dwarven girls. There's ironically a big market for cute little dwarven girls somehow through the underground. This fortress isn't so big that people don't notice that sort of thing," she said a second time with those same old cold looking eyes. There's like no life in her face and eyes. It's like she's giving up everything for revenge.

We introduce ourselves to her.

Gyle is hungry for female attention but she has a look like she's being patient with him while he tries to tell her about himself. "Hi, I don't believe I've met you," he smiled at her.

"Call me Lotti. Let's be friends," she gave a quick nod curtsy thing, which the others returned. She has a business like face up.

"That's such a nice name. Pleased to meet you," Gyle said.

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