Chapter 121

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 Chapter 121

In a dwarven military tent while marching en route to aid dwarven sieges from the goblin invasion

Back to reality after waking up...

I'm not in pain and I feel really warm now. Around me Asakura is plastered against me. It's also like super early before others are even up. There's nothing better than waking up to one of the hottest women I've ever seen cuddling up against me naked.

I need more sleep. I'll just take a few more minutes. Damn, I feel so tired lately. is someone else? It's Rina I think behind me. I can feel her breasts pushing into my back while she's asleep. Weird...they feel bigger than they normally would don't they? Maybe it's my imagination. But I can't exactly reach behind me and look to be sure and check things out and see her face because of how tightly we're packed into each other.

I almost cried out because I'm in shock. Both of them are very naked while keeping me warm, which is very cool because it's cold underground at night...and day too its also very cool. We have to bundle up in blankets at night to stay warm, or else it feels like sleeping in someone's fridge. That's why the dwarves like full clothing head to toe with thick wool like thread materials or furs.

But when did Rina get in our bed? She's fast asleep. And I don't want to wake her. When did she sneak into our bed anyway?

I can also feel I've had a massive erection for probably half the night and Asakura is deeply embedded it into herself with the blanket over most of her body and face while she's trying to get me going.

It's natural that I'll wake up daily with my...tool...impaled inside Asakura and this is just like every other day and this is our normal wake up routine, and it's been that way ever since we acknowledged each other in the gnome cave or whenever that was? In fact there hasn't been a single night so far that this hasn't happened.

I felt relief that I'm my male tool is impaled deep inside a really wet Asakura and not Rina because I don't know how Rina got in the bed and I am not always clear about if Asakura initiated sex or I do on certain days of the week. That's so freaking dangerous, that she got in here...but for now relief. And I don't want to move because we're all so tightly put together that I'm afraid that any movement will wake up Rina.

But last night was a close call I think, as I'm lying there.

Why didn't I be more careful?

Or wait, maybe this is the changes to my body from turning away from humanity?

Wait actually it was more like...I need to tighten my control over the demon genes and it's like they force feeding on their own sometimes. They must have tried to push me through sexual hunger before I'd realized it. That's why I have to be careful about consistent feeding several times a day, which makes it so I need to have my own tight party and be careful about partying with others.

I can't believe it! I'm healed! Oh man, do I feel relieved!

It had been a pain of having my bones crushed that was so awful I wanted to die. But now my wrist and hand are completely fine.


Yeah, I think they were fairies have done so well that it's like my maimed hand and wrist never even happened.

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