Chapter 163 & Update!

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Luck Mage Book 2 submitted to Amazon today! This will take a few hours to review but will show up for readers pleasure in probably 4 to 6 hours from now! I am very excited to announce this. 

Although there was a delay because I had to reject the cover art done for it initially. This slowed the release by probably 3 days. 

Chapter 163

When I entered into the Dream State suddenly it hit me.


EH? Wait where did this thought come from?

There it is again.


It's in my head. Why is that thought seeping out?


Fox's name is Sylvie?'s true. Why hadn't I realized this sooner? I think I had some inkling about it, but maybe I'd been under stress for so long that I hadn't gotten a chance to pay attention to it. Then there was also the dwarven city fortress siege and trying to save Ayumi had gotten in the way.

And then I think somehow Sylvie was trying to keep me from recognizing her name at some point. Probably at the time she'd been trying to resist being under my control but she's now under my control way more than any of the others. She'd tried to somehow influence me not being aware of her name but today somehow the soul link was so strong and strengthened to a point that I was picking up stuff from her that I think was almost...telepathic or mentally transmitted from her mind directly to mine.

That's cool.

Sylvie deserves better. It was bad of me to not pay more attention to it. I want to help her have a good life, I think. And I want us to keep growing closer and closer together. And it's no longer at a point where I'm wondering if I like her or Asakura more than each other. I can without a doubt think that they are both amazing and as wonderful as each other.

I'm so lucky to have both of them. And it's me that's lucky to have them not the other way around.

This is what being grateful for having an exquisite priceless treasure means.

This is real love.

I realize it's coming from the [Soul Link] skill with Fox, I mean Sylvie. Sometimes lately brief sharp but short images from her mind seep into my head. They'd mostly been so quickly cut short that I didn't get much. But maybe Sylvie...or Fox wanted me to know her name at some point when the connection had gotten really strong and tight between us; to the point where it was a really unbreakable bond that couldn't be broken through.

The soul link between us feels red hot like fire except I'm not being burned, in this spiritual or mental dream state. It's like a huge golden hot chain made of mana between our mana cores and minds made of some kind of ethereal intangible spiritual matter, and I'm starting to pick up real, tangible signals from it. And there are mental images that carried over from the soul link skill.

A new skill...


But the memories are going so fast through me that I can't pick at them. And it's like a computer changing and counting so fast that I don't get a chance to grasp and recognize what they are as they are flowing through the chain. I'm feeling overwhelmed as images fly through my mind faster than I can comprehend them, even after I tried to use my hands and grab at them directly. In the end so many images are flying past me that it's like I'm 'downloading' them so fast that I can't even look at them each individually.

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