Chapter 107 Part B & Announcement!

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Author notes;

So... exciting announcement to make! I'm having a website built. A real one, not just a patreon page. I've felt like Patreon is pretty limiting. So I went and it was hard because its not cheap but I'm trying to basically put up a site where I can show stories. This means I can have a web store there where I'll have ebooks up for sale. That's partly because I don't really trust amazon or anyone else that much.

BUT more for readers benefit, I want to put up another free story there, similar to KTAW. I still will be doing this story and want to keep it going. So that's one thing good. And I hope to have some other free story there. Plus, one of the benefits for me and for readers is what I can do with a website is being able to have a sample survey system there. For example, I may have a starter story up with say 5 chapters or so and then have another one and then let readers vote there on which one to develop. And then I can even keep doing that in order to gather research data, etc.

Anyway it sounds fun. And also I'd been worried about how to show more benefit for readers, which this solves issues for.

The downside is that I don't know how long it will take for the site to be built. So I'll have to wait to update this, but this already started a few days ago. I hope to post more on this. Plus, I feel like people wanted something good also because I hadn't released chapters here as fast as I wanted. But this was partly why because I'd been working on how to move ahead, and making plans.

Hope this makes you all feel good. :)

 Chapter 107 Part B


We're getting ready to assist the dwarves again currently.

The shaman's bag is pretty close to us as we approach it. But suddenly Asakura steps in front of me to face me.

This thing...might have some interesting loot!

"Do you want me to check it or should you?" Asakura asked.

"I think I should," I said.

"But I'm ...I mean I...have seniority? So shouldn't I look out for you more?" Asakura asked.

She surprised me.

"What? Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Well I don't want to be a moocher? And shouldn't I be responsible for you?" she's serious.

"Well that's cool. But this is magic. It can be pretty scary sometimes," I reminded her.

She looks down. "I guess that's true. I should pull my weight for you more. You worked so hard and...I'm so grateful for all you do."

Uh oh, she's looking at me in a very erotic manner again...and she's pushing her chest up and I can't. I can't, I can't, I can't...must focus.

She's about to kiss me. I put my hand out and touch her forehead gently, "Stop. We can't start making out now. Let me do this. I'm not too sure, but its booby trapped I think," I finished.

She looks pouty, "OK."

Oh wait, how did she do that?

She somehow like...I don't fast. Her blouse is already off. I have to stop her before the skirt leaves to.

"Come on! You know this is like the only alone time we have! When we get back we'll be surrounded by dwarves!" Asakura said.

She tried to kiss me again but I pulled back.

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