Chapter 115

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 Chapter 115

"So let me get this straight. You need to force a skill to activate that you haven't used before?" Asakura asked innocently. She has her hands gripping mine while trying to push me down. She is interested in the problem even though she's very distracted though.

Of course right now I'm still feeding off her in sex. It's inevitable. Because I'd woken up with a lot of fatigue and extreme loss of physical stamina I have to make up for it in other ways and extra feeding is the only way. It started with me feeding off her milk until her nipples are bright red and sore. I don't mind since the buildup of everyday making her nipples sore is also making them thicker and more rubbery. After that we'd had a whirlwind of sex for several hours to feed and replenish energy with intermittent napping together in a blanket.

"I love you Shun! I love this! Hic* We should do this more often!" Asakura said in a dreamy tone of voice.

Darn pheromones. Asakura was real and genuine but it was weird how suggestive the pheromones made them.

Rina wasn't happy when I had her buy us time with the dwarves to not be disturbed the whole day, due to feeling sick and exhausted from fighting...which is true. We switch positions for a little while. But I can't call in sick everyday and the dwarves will want to know what's up.

"I don't like you training this way. What if you are trained to think sex is a chore and just something like punching a time card? You need to remember this our love and not a to do list," Asakura said, voicing her concern.

"I'm surprised to hear you of all people say that," I replied.

Right now we're still trying to force feed. I'd gotten tired so I'm letting Asakura be on top.

"Well I enjoy this more than anything. It's actually scary how much I like it. But I would be really hurt if you ever got tired of me," she said honestly, looking at me deep in the eyes.

"That'll never happen," I said, kissing her hand which is entwined with mine.

"Well what's going on? I know this is more than usual. I don't know magic, but I can tell," she countered, even as she never stops pushing her hips up and down onto mine, rolling them back and forth. I never get tired of her form. It's become slimmer since coming to this world, and more athletic with the right lines. Plus watching the giant boobs fly up and down while she's going at it is really hypnotic. I don't think she notices how much they swing around when she does that, but that's because she really gets into this.

"You are making too much noise. Try to ...make it quieter please," I interjected.

"Sorry Shun. I'll do better, but it's hard to not make noise. You have no idea what this feels like. I wish we could stay in bed all day every day too," she said while winking at me. The noise dips just a bit but she's not able to fully kill it.

"Well...suffice it to say I'm fighting a dream demon in a way," I said.

"So you had a nightmare or something?" she asked.

Her attention is riveted to me now. She looks very concerned.

"You know you are my ghoul familiar right?" I said.

"Yeah, we've been over this before. I'm your ghoul familiar, you are some kind of human demon hybrid or something as far as we can tell, but we don't know when it will progress or if it will stay like now. But it isn't bad right? My skin and hair feel healthier since those changes," she finished for me.

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