Chapter 130

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Thank you for your patience while I was out on holiday break. But I did work on stories during the holidays. And getting ready to help readers fill that itch for a good story. :)

Thank you for support. Please also give good reviews. There's also people that do fake trashy reviews and could use some help offsetting those.

Will be putting up a Life Wizard chapter up this week on my website. Will also be putting Life Wizard up here though it will be several chapters behind the one on my website.

 Chapter 130

In the Ever dungeon Continued...

Knowing that they are out there searching for us and wanting to murder us scares the crap out of us. We don't dare move for a long time from our hiding place. The minutes tick by slowly...while we wait for Moose and Jimmy to get farther away. Even if they are out of sight we're worried about how sound travels underground.

Then I ignited the light long after I think it's safe.

Then we can finally breathe. Even with all my skills I don't trust being able to go against Moose. He's just too freaking big.

This hiding spot is hard to get out of because we're sort of in a crevasse that's above the normal tunnel. When we move a lot of gravel spills out onto the tunnel ground and there's the sound of like scratchy sandpaper while we're moving out.

Finally the dwarf and I land on our feet. It was scary that part of the time we were directly above their heads.

"Can you get us out here?" the dwarf asked me. He's looking edgy and nervous. His eyes are looking around like he wants to run off.

"Huh? Aren't you the tunneling expert? I was going to ask you that," I stated.

He seemed to collect himself a little but, though he's still edgy. "Oh right. Sorry the fear got to me a bit. At any rate I'm good to go now."

"So what's wrong with those guys? Not everyone is like them right?" I asked the dwarf. It just so happens he's still scowling, but he's always got a serious look that's almost like a scowl so I can't tell if that's good or bad.

"No, I don't think so? There's always some risk in every party. I hadn't ever seen something like this," he guessed.

"Is that so? Is there anything else you've noticed that might help?" I asked.

He seemed to hesitate. "Well there is one thing. Most people on this continent either adventure with their tribes, their kin, people they are related to or that are in their crafts. The alternative is slaves. It's considered bad form to join teams that you have no ties to, or that have no vested interest in keeping you alive somehow. Once in a while you find a few people maybe one or two that you can be friends with but to be honest that's rare."

I halted and regarded him coolly thinking about it.

So my options suck right now. I have no kin or friends that aren't already in my team. No tribe or crafts groups that I belong to either.

Would a mage group count as like a craftsman group of some kind? That might take months or weeks to break into by itself. If normal people like this dwarf are suspicious of outsiders, people with high intellect and high skills with their own social rules are going to be even a step or three more suspicious than that.

"But you didn't seem as new as those other guys," I said sizing him up.

He nodded. "Good eye."

"This is my eleventh dungeon run total, but my first time with those two yahoos. I came in as a newbie but I'm actually not, but the trauma of losing my whole team shook me up so badly that I wanted to do a fresh start. I'm not a total newbie but I'm not sure what's up with this dungeon. My other runs were at the Orc Skull Dungeon so its my first time here. Though to be fair I have collected a lot of information on it from everyone I could before trying this but with that giant killer dude it probably isn't going to be enough. I hope you can get us out here," he said.

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