Chapter 180 & Update

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Author Notes; Thank you for your support! Thank you for everything. Readers are wonderful! And I like getting notes from you. Real quick item of business...

I have started to put my Kidnapped to Another World story up on Youtube. This means you can LISTEN to it. For many people that's easier than reading. This is psychological... you learn to hear your mother talking to you before you learn to read. So listening is usually easier for people than following lines. This is why some people like audio books more. So I want to invite you to subscribe me and like me there. Best of all this is no cost, and anyone can listen. This is also so that I can keep the price down on my books. Its harder now with the economy going down. So I'm trying to do everything I can to not raise prices. That means... branching out. So please take a look there and add me, under; 


You'll also be able to tell me if you like the news girl format of presenting the chapters better, OR the campfire video instead. WHICH do you like more? Some people love camping, including me. But the news girl is fun too. I hope to get reader input on which they like more. 

Also... I will have to censor much more on Youtube unfortunately :S so this means I'll still have incentive to have here and real literature sites first and foremost priority. 

Thank you. 

Chapter 180

Inside the dwarf prison.

"Wake up! Wake up Shun!" The hot but deadly looking vampire girl, Mallory is prodding my arm and shoulder. She prods me again. She doesn't prod lightly either, but maybe that's the vampire genes. She's still wearing the same torn up clothes as before, which are like worn dress slacks of some kind and what used to be a nice white dress up blouse but now has the sleeves torn off from our battle earlier, and some of the buttons are missing showing off a lot of cleavage.

Or its possible she made her shirt that way on purpose.

I can't let my guard down.

I'm starting to get up but I think she's a bit urgent for a reason.

"Wake up!" she cried out again. Her voice is low toned but somehow pierces deep inside.

It's a cool trick the way she kept her sound low but with a penetrating whisper, even if she's just waking me up. It's hard to get up when it's hell when I open my eyes. Somehow I managed it.

So far the biggest problem to me seems to be the mana inhibiting shackles on my wrists, but the dwarves haven't bothered to replace our clothes with something else which means I'm still basically my T-shirt, pants, and my jacket with my shoes.

Mallory presented a bucket of food for us, though she didn't take any. Also those buckets don't look very clean and don't smell good either. I suspect the guards delivered the food in buckets because it was the safest way for them to do so without being attacked by inmates.

There are two buckets with water stored in one of them, as well as bread that is mostly not stale but clearly the scraps from the leftovers that didn't sell in bakeries in the other bucket. But it's people food, not half demon food, and certainly not vampire food.

In spite of it, Mallory looks like she's trying to have a good attitude.

"So you don't have to tell me the escape plan boss. I know a high top brass prince authority must have a way to get us out," she smiled at me obviously trying to make an impression. Then she even bowed before, which made her bust push up against the open collar of her shirt showing more cleavage.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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