Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

I finally pull myself back to rest on the blanket. The tent is so small we can't really stand up but have to stay low. It's really early in the morning.

I'm tempted to go back to sleep, since Asakura had woke me up with only six hours of sleep. I'm lucky I got in what training I could with Sunghee.

Strangely enough, Asakura refuses to separate from me. It's like a little kid that can't talk. She's stayed impaled on my rod and is totally zoned out while we're feeding, even after doing it over and over again. When I try to push her off me she starts to growl like a cat. She seems to like this spot a bit too much.

How many times has it been? I least it's been a lot of fun.

Weird though...

So...if I look at this from a survival stand point, it's possible this is an incubation period for a new skill being activated in Asakura. Akira had a down time period while turning into a satyr. Thankfully, Asakura won't be a satyr, I think...

But the point is, what will she turn into?

She's progressed further into whatever it is, that is going on. She still looks human, and there are no animal parts still but I'm wondering what it will look like in the end. Her physical appearance seems unchanged mostly and not just no animal parts I finally conclude after a few more confirmation checks; which is important because the second part of that was me wondering if animal parts would show up later. Now I think they won't...probably...

Feral state maybe...?

Or partly feral, but not dangerous, as long as she stays with me?

The intelligent look there from before seems different somehow. At this point it's not better or worse but seems more sinister looking. She definitely is different on the inside. She still has dilated pupils it seems while staring off into space less than before. Could that be from the advanced pheromones acting on her? Her eyes see me and see other things, but seem darker inside. It's like trying to see the bottom of a well.

How do I fix this? I want the old Asakura back. She was reliable too, and my best supporter. I need her to be more than just a mannequin right now but I'm not sure how to get it back.

But, to think, she could get some hidden skills now. If I can get her through this anyway.

She also has a strange, almost revolting reaction to clothes. That's the weird part. Since we're in the small tent together and the front flap is closed it's OK, but I hope the others haven't noticed. When she was forcing me to have sex with her I had to keep my hand over her mouth at times, so she'd stay quiet. I'm lucky that she isn't a biter or I probably wouldn't have a hand.

"Hey can I come in there with you guys?" Rina's voice whispered.

"Eh?" this can't be happening!

It's the worst thing possible. Rina trying to come in now and it takes forever to wrestle clothes onto Asakura once they are off.

"No!" I said quickly after trying to think how I can cover this up.

Asakura is still sitting on my hip impaled in sex. Every once in awhile she tightens up and tries to see if I can start going again with her with her legs wrapped around me like a vice. I tried to pull away again, to address the Rina problem, but Asakura tightens up even more and won't let me get away. If she tightens anymore it will hurt. She starts to look like she'll get feisty.

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