Chapter 164

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Chapter 164

Shun point of view;

Before waking up I fed some more.

We replenished my shrinking supply of canteens of (pet type) ghoul breast milk. But we always worry that it's not enough. It's like having fries or a drink with no other parts in the combo meal and getting small sizes only, because I need more and more. And I'm always thirsty, so much that I can hardly stand it.

The information on the effects of my fluids on Doppel-chan for now is inconclusive. We have kept trying to dose her but she's still too dangerous to be let out of the cage but there is definitely a freaky excited reaction now.

I was partly disappointed in some ways but excited in others. There is some reaction but she's not converted yet. And Doppel-chan clearly is a demon.

My reasoning is trying to figure out;

Can with proper conditioning Doppel-chan be turned back towards the light?

This is also an idea Asakura and Sylvie want as well.

But it's clear that Doppel-chan is clearly too dangerous to let go. Were I to let her go in a human city, I'm not even sure there would be a single survivor. She's really that strong and that evil at the moment. But she's also too much for me to handle in most ways, ...except with both milk and pheromones together.

She needs coaching to become good.

She currently has a lot of homicidal thoughts and intention to do harm against humans it seems, but not to other demons. She is unable to resist the pheromone 'elixir'; therefore we have a chink in her armor that we can try to exploit for goodness and being an ally of justice. And since she's stronger than me, then shouldn't it be appropriate that I would try to also train her also to become an ally of justice?

By working with and trying to dose Doppel-chan with pheromones I can also introduce subliminally good thoughts and good tendencies into her personality with positive reinforcement, and positive imagery when she feeds or gets fed my pheromone 'elixirs'.

When we feed her the 'elixir', she's become greedy for it after the first dosage.

The first dosage went like this;

She did thrash around like a drunk cat for a good minute or so. Then she bounced off the walls, and peed herself while banging on the bars of the cage like someone had shot her full of a huge dose of sugar and adrenaline at the same time.

But then she passed out after going through a violent tantrum. And she's too dangerous for us to go look at her up close or risk touching her so we don't know how far this has gone yet, nor if she will have mood swings. Her eyes are rolled back in her head with an open fish mouth look on her face with her tongue lolling out to the side as her naked body lay on the floor, still looking very much like a smaller version of Sylvie at the moment.

She's too strong for us to feel sorry for.

Jeez, what a monster!

How many forms does she have anyway?

We still don't know if she has some secret form that she hasn't shown us. If she does I hope it's not some ugly critter.

"That was...unexpected," Asakura said in a very tight lipped dignified way. She's dressed mostly but still has milk leaking through her tight shirt, from just finishing getting us the milk that we'd used on her.

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