Chapter 98

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 Chapter 98

It's a pity.

I didn't get a chance to admire more of the dwarven architecture. But it had a really interesting foundation of using circles within the castle to build off strength from each other. The formation was unexpected because I'd thought the castle system would use squares and blocks. But this style didn't. I still don't know if this architectural feature is unique to this area or in all dwarven towns.

I asked Svinn about this as we began marching up to the top of the ramparts on the stone stairs, where we found a whole bunch of dwarven sharpshooters. Of course they probably haven't ever seen a bunch of humans in a small keep like this so we get a lot of attention. Their whole community is staring at us under torchlight.

Having pretty females with me didn't help with that any. Asakura gets the most attention like usual, but ignores it.

Much of the dwarven soldiers are extremely well equipped. I'm also studying them. I find this startling since the map and strategy meetings labeled this as a small village keep. Yet despite this, every one of them has top of the line equipment. They are all in a shiny well made and sparklingly shining chain mail that would make a banker jealous. Plus the cone helmets with a well made chin strap and guard, shin gaurds, mail skirt, chain gloves, and at least a crossbow and pike. There were follow up items of either sword and shield, or warhammer and shield with many of them having a backup short sword or long daggers tucked away in scabbards.

And this is the village people? What will I see in the big major castle towns? Does this mean their system is better circulating wealth into all towns and not just the big towns?

Wow. They are impressive.

But they lack cavalry. They also are vastly outnumbered from what it sounds like about the goblins outside town. They seem a bit too serious for me as well and have straight faces that don't give any hint of emotion. It's harder to read people like that. I can never tell if they like us or dislike us.

Of course you wouldn't need cavalry if you were only defending, and you could use the pikes against whatever the goblins and orcs have for cavalry. But each type of unit needs its own tweaked defense.

It's clear that they don't plan to leave the keep any time soon when I turn and face outwards from the wall into the underground valley below.

"Crap, when did so many of them show up?" Rina exclaimed.

Even though she can't see in the dark she can see all the goblin campfires lit up surrounding the keep. They haven't lit up the campfires for cooking and camping only but to try to intimidate the dwarves by how many of them are out there. I keep a hold of her so she doesn't go near the wall edge in the darkness and steer her around. I also have Asakura help me.

So we arrived just in time for an invasion.

What bad luck.

But this is a good time to experiment.

I've been having a hard time using the paladin holy light spell because I'm afraid of how it will mix with the demon box DNA influencing what was happening to us. I'll be able to work out the kinks on the goblins hopefully.

But I can use what I learned about how to transfer the focus of a spell from my hand and being held to instead put it on a weapon.

Like a crossbow bolt...Ahh this will work nicely. And I can test it out without even having to come out from behind this nice cozy dwarven siege wall.

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