Chapter 140

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Author notes;

First thank you so much for the love and support. I just love getting notes from people and encouragement. It helps me to keep writing. And I'm glad I can give readers something fun to read. I had 2 ideas to bring up below.

First, as you know... we live in trying times. Things aren't good economically now. I would suggest if you can do so, if you have the means and a yard to do victory gardens in your back yards or in parents yards, or whatever you can do. It is a learning process. But you can do these without spending a lot of money. And I wanted to say something about this because part of my stories I want people to have a better life. And it doesn't look like the western world is doing very well right now. 

And you can fix part of your shortages with budgets and income with back yard gardens if you have access to land. Or find some abandoned lots or do something to help yourself. It looks like there is economic turbulence ahead. But just focus and stay simple. Focus on what you can do, and keeping your budget to not spend more than you earn and then look for ways of producing more at home. Gardens help when food prices are going up. And you can find videos on this. Feel free to message me also. Gardening is fun too and can feel good to build something on your own.


The big announcement... the one we all are waiting for is WITCH TAMER BOOK 3 is about to go up for sale! I'm very excited about this. I'm in the final bits of editing and cover work. I'm anticipating to try to have it ready before the end of this week! Fingers crossed. Also thanks to everyone who waited.

Also, I suggest people pray more if you are having problems. And why not. You can't count on the robber barons or the government much anymore. Whether you are in Canada, the US, or Germany. Even in the UK. But you can pray and get answers.


 Chapter 140

It's been a few hours of precious heavenly R and R (rest and relaxation) in the dream state with both Fox and Asakura.

While taking a little time Fox and Asakura haven't accepted each other as easily as Fox did with Sunghee, or Sunghee with Rina. Its taking some time for Fox especially, who is by nature still distrustful of humans even if it's me. I think it's also because Asakura and Fox are by nature opposing alpha females in my harem that would both normally take the number one spot.

Sunghee though having abilities and confidence of an alpha female was forced by very nature to be submissive in how I'd rescued her in this world. Thus, the problems of her conflicting with other harem members were less.

Thinking about it, I need to get Fox in quicker since they are both by nature alpha females. That means one of them being unsecured and if a bad dispute happens there's a chance to lose one of them if I don't lock them both up tightly. But looking for ways to do that isn't easy with Fox because of her distrust.

At one point Fox even accidentally hugged me, when she was actually trying to back away from Asakura in worry. I felt the warm bump as Fox has just collided with me. It's too late to pull away and happened by accident.

"Ack!" Fox said while freezing.

"Eh?" I said at the same time we are still collided.

I feel the weird sensations telling me Fox's clothes are entirely an illusion as it's almost like a naked girl is hugging me. I'd almost forgotten her clothes are just an illusion, because she never touches others and because her skill with illusions is so well detailed. Oh gosh...the feeling of her chest against mine is almost more than I can bear...

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