Chapter 142

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Thank you for your support! And yes! Witch Tamer Book 3 is up for people to get on Amazon now. I will be posting a chapter to Life Wizard tonight also. And I'm going to try to do a 2nd chapter for that story this week also.

 Chapter 142

I had both soul crystals deactivated when I enter the dream state. Then I summed them; Asakura and Fox together.


"There's another issue to talk about," I said.

"Yeah?" Asakura and Fox both said at once after we'd been making love in the dream state.

"So ...we haven't checked the monster cores recently for any of us. I need us to make sure if there's anything we can get or do with that now," I said.

"Monster cores?" Asakura is a bit confused.

So we had to explain them. We hadn't really had a good explanation of them before with Asakura since this was previously a Fox and Sunghee deal. After awhile Asakura gets it.

We pull up the blue screens for each of us with Fox's help.

Come to think of it, it's been forever since we looked at these. That's not that big a deal though because it takes a long time to save them up.

Fox has 1105 monster cores.

Asakura has 1702.

But what surprised me more is I have access to a new menu that Fox is helping me see that wasn't there before. I think this is part of the core dreamweaver skill, but I'm not sure since that skill is so mysterious.

Using it I can see...

Rina has 502...which make sense. She's not been much of a combat person and usually not at the front lines.

Ayumi...a big fat zero. But it's funny that she's showing up in my harem group though sort of, but not in a complete way. She seems to be listed not as a person but as equipment? I guess that's part of the fact that I unlocked her awhile ago.

Sunghee has a whopping 1305.

Then I have my own monster cores which are at 2207.

That makes sense because I'm going back and forth between the dream state and reality but the others are in either or but not both.

"Wow, you have quite a few!" Fox exclaimed.

"But why do I have so many. That's what I don't get. I shouldn't have an endless supply and I certainly haven't killed 2,207 goblins!" I exclaimed.

"Oh! It's because you were also going after powerful monsters," Fox said quickly while pacing.

"Are you sure?" Asakura said.

"Did we face some powerful stuff recently?" I asked her.

"Well there was that...oh, no that's not it. Maybe it was...oh I remember!" Asakura's mind is moving. She's also pacing.

"It has to be facing down all the goblin shamans," Asakura said.

"Really? You fought goblin shamans and lived?" Fox isn't happy but is also wide eyed at the same time.

"But aren't goblins kind of shabby? Why would it give you a lot for those?" Asakura noted.

"Well if they are shamans then they have mana cores. Shamans are dangerous in any race. Remember that I told you people who can use magic often can get hunted to be processed for raw materials? This is what I meant. The shamans would be worth a lot of monster cores just on their own. Especially since they are monsters that also have pretty solid mana cores," Fox explained.

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