Chapter 149

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Author's update and announcements! 

I'm very excited that its that time of year again! I will have a new book release coming before the end of JUNE 2023! That's basically a  week away. I will try to release this anytime right before the last week of June which is only a few days from now. This will have the good positive traits of my other books on Amazon, with long chapters, and many chapters. I also am working hard to give readers something they'll really be sucked into! 

Thank you for your support. Please also continue to support, like, and give good reviews. And to share my stories with your friends. 

 Chapter 149

Shun point of view

The city alarm continues to blare around us harshly while we glance around. The dwarves are reacting quite fast, but there's still no visible sign why its going off. And being newcomers to this city, makes it even more confusing to us.

What's going on?!


What happened?!

It hasn't stopped for the last half hour and that's something. Here and there panicked dwarves are rushing around us madly in all directions. All of them recognize and know what the city alarm means. It can only mean that the wall is compromised and the enemy is here, according to Gyle. He means here, here as in getting past the wall and that chilled us to the bone in fear. People have the same terrified kind of look on their face in our home world when there's a big ass earthquake happening. Even the ones that have experience with this sort of thing do get scared, because they know how bad it is.

Some of them are trying to locate loved ones; others are scrambling for cover and places to hide. To be fair, I hadn't known this before now but a lot of dwarves carry concealed weapons like daggers, spiked metal fist knuckles, of those they come in a variety of a type with a long spike that can be attached to a type of fist frame strap set, or three smaller spikes. And even the dwarven women carry these, there are others that had short swords carried on a hidden back holster, but hose can be hard to hide without jackets, and still others are armed with throwing knives in various places, virtually nobody is unarmed though they may appear to be. There are other types of small hidden weapons too, but the object of these is a last ditch effort to not fight but let them survive long enough to get to the numerous family owned and state sponsored armories across the city.

Still those little tiny hidden type weapons have disadvantages against spears, pole arms, and extended reach weapons.

While we move every block or so we can see people trying to get in groups for safety and versions of a dwarven buddy system of anywhere from 2 to 4 dwarves or with family members; with the wall compromised civilian militias and state sponsored city guard units are instantly meeting at street intersections and urging people to get armed as quickly as possible.

But that was an interesting difference between the militias of this world, compared to our world. The militias here aren't to try to get people to calm down but instead to get them all armed as quickly as possible and to join them rather than try to get everyone to be complacent. They also know from the type of alarm what kind of emergency it is; a martial invasion.

Maybe partly it's easier because unlike our world, this world can see that a greenback is clearly not a dwarf.

We managed to get across another city intersection before the trouble starts to really get bad.

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