Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Day 11 since entering the gnomes' warren...

"Wait, don't go yet. Let me try to get her awake," I said quickly to the gnomes. All of us were momentarily stressed out. If we left her she could die, but if we brought her with us she would be vulnerable too. Then there was the need for her skill to help out.

"Are you sure it'll work?" the gnome lieutenant asked. He bent down and listened to her breathe, which he confirmed for me.

I shrugged, "I'd rather have the paladin holy light than not have it," reply.

The gnome lieutenant who was the one who could speak through the enchantment nodded, "Yes, if there's a chance for that let's do it. We can't stay long so please hurry." His voice sounded impatient and afraid, but his eyes were tenderly worried about the survival of the other gnomes more than himself if we were delayed.

He barked something to the other gnomes the new orders. They fell back into order quickly. Some of them helped us move her. It was another irony that the small gnomes were strong for their body size and could help me carefully move her as if she was made of glass.

We both gently laid down Vira onto the ground flattening her against the floors finally in a spot of even ground over bare rock. The gnomes checked her pulse and vitals while also accounting for their wounded and dead. She was breathing fine. But it just was a hard head knock it seems.

Sadly there were a lot of gnomes that hadn't made it...

They also used the time to gather more troops and consolidate their strength. While we were working on Vira they managed to get another ten newly armed and fresh, but extremely scared gnomes. They were even more worried when they saw the bodies on the floor of those that had been slain while helping to defend this area.

I could see some of them point at some of their friends. The others cried out to or would offer pity. But order barked through the ranks and they all shut up fast through some threat. Some of them weren't as effective as others in coordinating their next strategy steps.

I would have to probably cut the paladin light mana feed before I tried to heal her. I wouldn't know what would happen yet with both that spell going on and trying to do a heal. It might have bad consequences since I wasn't that strong.

But strangely it feels like the Paladin light uses less mana than a heal spell. That was my next observation. But the problem is would I be able to get it turned back on? What if she didn't wake up on top of that? We definitely needed the paladin holy light. I didn't think I could replicate it on my own without her. So I had to memorize what the paladin mana flow felt like the best I could under intense pressure to move quickly.

But it left me questions for Fox Girl to work out.

Holding my breath finally turned it off. I think the gnomes were holding their breath too. It was deathly quiet.

"I sure hope you can get that turned back on," the gnome lieutenant said. His eyes were wide with fright. We deep inside, all of us felt that there were still more spiders around somewhere in the warrens. It was left unsaid.

I didn't reply right away because I was more scared than he was.

I felt weak but still risked another heal where Vira had cracked her skull against the other gnome. The light of the heal pulsed and suddenly there was a burning sensation in my arm.



Was that like a rebound of mana feedback backfiring on me of some kind? Something didn't feel right. What was that? I felt very worried, while the pressure was still growing.

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