Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

"Hurry! Wake up!" I feel something slapping my face.

It continues again, but this time keeps going on for awhile. It feels like a nice and small hand.

"Eh, hmm," I think I hear myself mumbling and groaning.

"Wake up!" it happens again.

My eyes blink open instantly and my vision is a bit blurred as it corrects itself.

"Hurry bro! You need to hide!" It's Rina.

She's staring at me in alarm.

"What? What are you doing here? I thought you were Asakura," I said stiffly. It can't be helped, because I'm a little bit shocked.

"Hurry we have to get your clothes on! The dwarves are waking up!" she hissed through clenched teeth.

Oh shit. I'm naked. It's even worse when I'm in front of Rina.

She's staring at me, and seems to be smiling. She's trying to hide it while she stares at me.

"Wow, bro, I had no idea you were so big!" she stops hiding her smile and her eyes are twinkling.

Oh dang. The pheromones might work in the air too? Or is that just Rina's craziness acting up.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I said.

She points to between my legs.

No way! It's grown a lot. I wasn't this big yesterday or the day before when I went to go pee. I have never been this big ever, and this is when I'm not excited. This is with no blood or excitement creating optimized bigness and this is still about five inches longer than what I used to get too when at my fullest...

Uh oh...

Suddenly I'm forced to be reminded of what Fox and Sunghee had told me about the demon race job. My heart pulses in fear. I have no idea what this means. I keep hoping it's nothing. Maybe they are wrong. They have to be. There's no way I'd change. I decided I was going to fight it.

I'd do more exercises, eat healthier, stretch and do whatever I had to do. I'd even risk church exorcisms if I have to. I wanted to stay as me, not as some creature.

I for sure didn't want to be some mangy goat man like Akira. He was strong be called goat man and have those awful, ugly hairy legs. I wondered how he tolerated it.

"Dang, bro! That's like the biggest one I've ever seen! Can I touch it?" she is staring. She bends down like she's going to reach out.

Reacting in fear, I pull back, and twist my legs to the side. "No! you're my cousin! For hell's sake! I can't let you touch it!" I snarled.

"What? But...please! And step sister, or cousin, does it really matter?" she pleads.

"No! What the heck is wrong with you?" I demanded.

She shrugged. "Maybe a lot. But you are all I have. You didn't honestly thing I can be with some other guy when you are like the only one that can keep me alive did you?"

I didn't answer. She's really on one today. She's never said something that bold before.

"Oh well...but get dressed hurry. The dwarves are going to start patrolling. You know they will search every inch of this cavern for a way out. What happens when they find you and Asakura totally naked and acting like you are stoned?" Rina asks.

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