Chapter 120

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 Dreamweaver Chapter 120

Dream State adversity with Doppel-chan in the arena...continued;


I can't believe it, I'm terribly injured.

Fox is carrying me as gently as she can and giving me a concerned look but my head feels like its splitting open or on a blazing fire from the way the pain receptors are firing off in my brain. I can't even manage to cast a heal spell it's so bad. I'm right now just trying so hard to not bite my tongue off from the sheer agony that's making me sweat almost instantly. And I think the bones in my hand are ground up and crushed, so the pain is so mind blinding that I can't even concentrate.

When I glanced at my hand I can see it's like shredded hamburger all the way from my wrist down.

Oh crap.

"You'll be OK, Shun. You'll be OK. Hang in there," Fox is saying. The panic in her voice has me sure that I won't be OK.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I can hear Sunghee wailing in mental torment. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she keeps saying it over and over. The pheromones are putting her and Fox into a panic to protect me, but I'm too incapacitated to study it out properly.

Yet we can still hear Doppel-chan hitting the walls of her own cage with such force that it's like she's creating dust in the air from nothing, and the cage is shaking violently. Yet somehow its walls seem to be holding while the cage is bobbing back and forth on the ceiling chain.

I can't look at my arm again, because the mental agony will be even greater if I do. But if I don't look at it, how am I going to treat it? And if the pain is this awful I won't be able to pull off a healing spell.

"It's going to be OK, Shun," Fox said with a bewildered look on her face. "Please hang in there, please, please," she cooed. I can tell she wants to hug me from like...some kind of motherly affection that is manifesting itself.

I'm biting my lip so hard and it's like I feel foggy and I'm pretty sure I'm going into shock.

"Stay awake! You have to stay awake!" Fox kept saying over and over after that.

"Shun, don't go to sleep. If you do, it'll be bad," Sunghee also is shaking my shoulder not realizing that makes it hurt more.

"Pain..." I managed to croak out while I'm being cradled by Fox.

"Hang in there! Dammit! This wasn't supposed to happen! Crap! Son of a...," Sunghee cried out. She's bawling like crazy with tears running down her face. Fox is keeping a straight face, but the look in her eyes is very intense. She's more shaken up than Sunghee if I measure how I see her eyes, but she's trying to hold it in.

"Shun, listen you have to try to heal yourself as much as possible. This kind of injury with bone fragments will cause gangrene and terrible infection if it's not treated right away. Concentrate Shun, you have to keep yourself locked on my voice and just concentrate on listening to me and staying calm," Fox said.

"....I'll try..." I managed to sob.

I kept hearing them say, "You can do it..." or other forms of encouragement every now and then while in my state of mind numbing pain fog.

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