Chapter 154

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Chapter 154

The dream state pocket dimension;

Currently Fox is training me...

"So in conclusion, I want you to work on these symbols here. They'll open up and help you more," Fox explained. Right now she's in school teacher mode and drew the symbols in the air using some kind of magic cantrip.

"Once again like this," she said again redrawing the same rune over and over in the air. It's cool how she does it, as if there's a transparent blackboard in the air. Only her reality altering skill can do it, and she also makes them glow a sort of neon hot red when she traces them in the air.

She was teaching me some of the Egyptian runes for magic. Sort wasn't like we'd remember them all. Sometimes she did this when we had extra time but I felt like it was like trying to dam a hurricane to do because the language was so complex.

Sometimes she does this to teach me, but it's kind of boring so I don't always tell the others about it. This isn't the first time we've had a school room setting like this. At least a couple times a week it's been like this lately.

Near us Asakura is also watching us. She's taking notes. Although since we don't have paper or pencils, it's in the form of using a stick to draw and trace the same symbols with their names in the sand around us of the arena.

"What are these runes for anyway?" I asked. She hadn't gotten to this part yet.

"Well humans like to use these to make a wizard staff," she started to say. But then she suddenly sniffed the air.

"Wizard stuff huh? That would be useful," I noted while watching her.

I don't think she even heard what I'd just said.

"What? Is something wrong?" Asakura asked.

I also noticed.

"I just...felt something strange just now," Fox said. She looked suddenly skiddish and wary.

She waited a minute, not wanting to continue.

Nothing she resumed but still looked puzzled.

Asakura and I shrugged at each other.

"As I was saying, humans like to use them for carving a wizard staff. Then they store extra power in it and..." Fox suddenly stopped. She looked up this time, as if sniffing the wind. But in here there really isn't wind, but she might still have sharp senses. It makes me puzzled that she's puzzled. Then she sniffed a few more times as if sensing danger.

"What is it?" I asked.

Fox is still quiet...she's trying to sense something.

"Shun, is something going on?" Asakura asked.

Fox is acting weird again. She looked left and right. Then she doubled back over and around the arena, where we're trying to be taught by her. Her eyes don't seem to lock in anything and that's making her uncomfortable.

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