Chapter 169

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Chapter 169

Adventurer #37, name, Vennie point of view continued;

"Stand your ground," the punk teenager mage said. Well technically he's not a kid but just looks young.

Shun, I think that hottie called him. So that's his name huh?

I still don't know what Hottie Girl's name is.

The assassins tried to pepper us with arrows and to my astonishment as we are bracing the hall to hold it, I have like twelve crossbow bolts hanging in the air around where the kids magic shielding is floating. It looks like it will collapse soon though.

I should be dead. Twelve crossbow bolts probably four of them would have hit something like a major organ. But none of them connected. That magic glass shield thing is amazing! What is that? Is it made of light blue pretty and shiny mana?! I guess it's not glass but resembles a glass shield in a way. I reach out to touch it but my hand passes through it. This thing is kind of weird but effective.

"Eh?! I'm alive?!" I gasped.

"Shut up and fight dumb ass. And get down, stop standing there like a moron," Kitty called back. She stabbed an enemy in the neck. As usual Kitty is kind of bloody actually. She's also got a terrible bedside manner with how she talks to people in general, and people she's close to.

"They don't have shielding and we do? Does this mean we win now?" Stan asked. He's trying to fight too. I should do my part. He still sounds like he'll piss himself any second.

He also managed to stab an assassin in the stomach, but only after several tries. Hell, a stomach stabbing is a shitty way to go.

But for all that, the kid mage has to keep refreshing our shields, but seems to cycle through spells like he's been doing this a while. I've seen rookies cast spells and though I can't tell much of what's going on you can tell if someone knows and feels confident in what they do. If they are new they will stutter and fumble through drawing runes in the air. The shield, both mine had almost collapsed and so had Stan's. Kitty's is holding because she can dodge and block better than we can.

The young guy gets them back up pretty fast.

The Hottie Girl is protecting the young mage. And both of them have to keep an eye on the back window.

"Watch it the snipers are moving," the hottie girl said.

"So we move too, we can't just let them shoot us," Kitty shot back.

Why is her nick name Kitty when she's a cat beastkin anyway? Isn't it like naming a human, 'Human'? If I ask her she'll get mad and that's why I haven't so far. I've been adventuring with her and Stan for almost two months. It's taken some time to build up trust. Then this crap happens.

"Um...are we going to the roof or the ground floor?" I asked quickly.

"That's a good question. If we pick the wrong one we're dead," Stan said.

"No shit," Kitty growled like she's all PMS.

I try to block but it's hard and I can't keep up. I try my best but these assassin guys are no joke. Pound for pound they are all better than us. We would have died long ago if it weren't for the kid's shielding technique. Even with it, we still might die.

He's casting it pretty much non-stop to compensate for our weaknesses. He avoided my question?

But every once in awhile he does something weird and one of the assassin's falls on his face. Then the other Hottie Girl pounces on it and punctures the neck, sending arterial spray all over us. We probably look like we've gone to some kind of red paint festival by how much blood is all over the room.

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