Chapter 104

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 Chapter 104

This situation needs to change quickly. Until now I've mostly been using a defensive focus.

The siege over the dwarven walled mining village continues.

Within the first ten minutes there are already a lot of goblin bodies down in the barren area outside the walls. I wonder how long it will take for their bodies to start to smell...these bodies won't dissolve since they aren't in the demon realm or born from the demon realm.

But we need to clear away as many goblins as we can before nightfall without slowing down or having any mercy. If we can't do that in time...we might as well throw in the towel and flee if there's no dent in the progress of the goblins.

Are we supposed to feel bad that the goblins are dead?

Even in death, their faces look twisted with hate, grime, and filth.

While we're working the smoking ruin of the burned up dwarven house is wafting bad air over near us that doesn't feel good to breathe. It doesn't help the fact that the burned house was near the middle of the keep area. Because of it, most of us have neckerchiefs, or handkerchief like material tied while wet around our faces to cover up our nose and mouth.

But it's not that immediate in being able to move forward.

First there's a lot of work.

The hard working dwarves have to load up huge barrels of water to get ready for more fires and having all the water that they can ready and prepared. Although everything is made of stone on the houses and walls, they've just seen magic make stone burn so they are feeling like they had to do some kind of preparation. Plus if we're in for a long siege we will need a lot of water ready and stored on hand.

And to be fair they do use lumber in building the frames for the stone houses, as well as certain parts of doorways, and sheds or barns that often touch the houses or are really close.

I watched their preparations carefully.

Typically this means having large barrels nearby.

When empty these large barrels still weigh a ton and when full they also weigh even more, taking several athletically strong people to move comfortably, with each one being nearly about the size of a dwarf in height. Then we have to help load them full of water. There's a huge line of people dipping buckets and water to get things worked out. I'm also sure this water connects to the water table of the stream nearby.

When possible they'll use a horse drawn wagon to move things...but tonight they are using anything available.

They also have another area that is connected to the stream and moat somehow where they have like a protected and enclosed water trough that they can release a lever from to fill water barrels quickly. But to man this location depends on nothing getting inside the walls.

Then there's also the work of carrying buckets of crossbow bolts up to the top of the ramparts.

We decided this was the best job for Rina to do. She of course needed reassurance that we wouldn't forget her and leave her behind or let her die. But it's true that we really need people to do a wide variety of jobs for the defense to work. It will keep her away from the front lines too, and I haven't had a choice before to have her avoid the fighting but because she's not that healthy I didn't want to always have her taking risks.

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