Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Site of the Goblin Invasion; Gnome Warren Entrance

First, there's no signs of goblins.

But there's no sign of anything left except us!

"I still can't find Yumi," Rina is distraught with petrifying panic. I can hear her moving around trying to feel her through the rocks and dirt scratching desperately with her hands and feet. There's like a scratching sound and the sound of scuffing through pebbles and debris.

"Sorry Rina..." I said.

Rina is crying.

"She has to be here right?" Asakura whispered.

I want to point out the obvious but if I do, they will both surely start crying. I'd probably cry too except for the fact that I'd seen that Yumi hadn't really been with us fully from the beginning. I'd had more time to process that.

Asakura and Rina hadn't still noticed that we still hadn't see the blue light of Yumi's glowing mana energy shield. If she were here, then we would have. It was a consistent glow that also glowed in the dark and gave the user a limited use light. That was the biggest clue so far that something really bad had happened. If she were still alive then wouldn't we see its glow in the dark?

I draw the rune in the air for the light spell and hold it aloft in my hand. It flares brightly at first as the light activates and then stabilizes. I wave the light to the right and to the left until I figure out where I am. Things look different with so many changes in the cavern. Then I find the other two and I feel thankful. I still can't see any sign of Yumi though, and I have a gnawing feeling in my stomach.

No sign of any goblins at the moment. That was my biggest concern; and it could change at any second. I can't rule out that could change at any minute. I can't worry about both Yumi and goblins at the same time though. I'm forced not too, in spite of caring about her welfare.

The light is effective and goes out in a big ten foot radius letting me see around us. I'm surprised it's grown a bit in how far the immediate light radius penetrates. I take a look and see that only a few feet away from us the entire ceiling has collapsed over the entrance to this corridor. It's such a bad collapse that I realize Rina was almost crushed. Only about a foot away a new huge column of rock is standing there. It's obscenely big and bulky covering where everything could have gotten through.

"Holy shit! You have a light spell! I thought we were goners!" Asakura cried out. She's elated that we aren't blind. I can't help but feel flattered when she hugs me tightly. She's got like tears of gratitude.

"I knew you were good inside Shun! With being able to do magic that even makes you more of a catch!" she winked me after that.

Was it a special meaning for her to do that?

Does she mean it?

Wow, being a mage is awesome!

"Oh Shun Bro, thank heavens! I'm glad you're safe!" Rina gets up off the ground, though I can tell she's still upset that Yumi is missing. She looks unstable on her feet and her legs shake a bit as she struggles to her feet. She's in the gnome overalls again too with my jacket around her for a shirt. But she's got like cloudy dirt stains on her face and arms.

Rina comes closer to us, staying near me. "I can't find Yumi though." She says it nervously like she's trying to hold together her willpower and its cracking.

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