Chapter 118 & announcement!

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Hey there amigos,

So yes, I'm excited to give you an update and announcement. I will be releasing the sequel to Last Mage in Minnesota in a 5 to 10 day window. I'm very excited for this as you can tell. And worked very hard on this. So I think it will be good. I don't think it will be right on day 5, as the quality counts you know?

Thank you very much for all your support and encouragement. And for reading.

I also want to say sorry I'd been a bit behind. This chapter was released late. And I meant to have this announcement a few days ago also, but when you have to juggle things its hard to keep up. Also there will be an update to my website this week. I'm adding stuff every week there, to create incentives for people to go there.

So anyway... thank you!

And happy reading!


Also here's a link to our sponsor. Feel free to check them out. This is a Beekeeping hobbyist that is cross advertising with us. They will be doing entertainment videos on beekeeping. That's fun too. They do have good information though, it seems.


 Chapter 118

Dream State...again...back where we'd left off.

The battle with that thing continues.

"While we have this piece of adversity scum to fuel your magic, we should exploit her," Fox said jerking a thumb back at Doppel-chan. She is still chasing us in the arena.

"It's not that easy to do that without getting killed," Sunghee interjected.

Is that possible? She's so freaking dangerous, it's like trying to say rehabilitate a zombie right?

Sunghee and I are both running with her, but hearing Fox say that made me get my rhythm off and nearly stumble. Both of the girls are on either side of me and acting a bit protective in their own way though we're still scared of the enemy behind us. With full buffs and equipment up we can run away without too much effort but that's all we can do right now. A thirty percent difference in speed from the buffs also enables us to run five minutes and then rest two, and repeat while Doppel-chan just keeps losing all her stamina with no rest. Not only do we have more rest though, the speed buffs also help us feel lighter on our feet for some reason since it's like we're using less energy to go a certain distance.

We still have to be highly alert however.

"What do you mean by that?" Sunghee asked.

"I mean exactly what I mean. She's strong isn't she?" Fox asked.

"I'm thinking about that too, but she is pretty dangerous. I'm thinking closing to melee range would be bad, like suicide kind of bad," I said.

"I don't like suicide either Shun," Sunghee said in follow up. She's shaking her head.

"But don't you guys have Fox's lightning bolt spells? You could like use her for target practice," Sunghee suggested.

"That's an option, probably. Is it the best option though?" I noted. Sunghee smiles seeing as she thinks she just gained points with me.

"True, that's an option," Fox smiled maliciously, but wanting points for herself. "I'm getting so tired of the box trying to control us that I'd probably enjoy it."

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