Chapter 92 & Update!

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Author Note; Its that time again!

So I'm getting another release ready. I'll be assigning the goal to have the third Elf Collector book ready by the end of the month. This chapter went up late as I was trying to get ready for it. Sorry!

Anyway,... this is the goal. Technically the goal could change. So stay ready for further updates.

Thank you for your patience. Please also pass the word around.

Chapter 92

We keep moving. It's getting harder for us to move as more people get wounded and scratched up.

Somehow in the last hour I've finally convinced Oleg to leave the road, but before we do some of the dwarves carved signals in dwarven on the road. This way,if the heavy armors came back to find us they'd see we were off the road and using the hills for cover.

I think it's a good strategy. The road is too open, inviting an ambush. Despite it being underground I also discover it's fairly similar to being able to ambush on the road above ground where someone could watch a road from nearby mountains or hills. We also think that there's no way that the devious goblins could learn a difficult written language like dwarven, according to Oleg. Apparently its written form is tough too, just by itself. But the enemy also has the language enchant don't they? Or is there something special about written dwarven in regards to that?

So the mystery isn't solved. At this point I don't know. But we trek on, keeping our weapons ready at all times.

Still the goblins will see something written there on the road. They just will need more time to figure out what it means. And I think he's underestimating goblin sneakiness also.

It's also strange that underground almost has its own open areas and how big the caverns can be is quite surprising.

Goblins...I can't stop thinking about them as we move.

One on one we can beat them.

But, they come un waves like the ocean. That's what's so scary about them.

"This place looks like this whole place used to be some big magma pocket or bubble eons ago and then the dwarves made their own changes," Rina said looking around whenever the light would show any type of evidence or something interesting. She's using the light spell I'm emitting to pick up on some geology. I'd forgotten she'd had a bit of Earth science back home, and she's remembering much of it now.

"Eh? You're interested in geology and minerals? Some people think that but...who knows. This world has many such interlocking places. To think a pretty human girl would go after earth science makes me excited too," Oleg looked happy.

Uh oh, does that mean I have to be protective soon? Oleg is not very good while we walk now I'm trying to gauge how much of a threat he is. Rina just made a huge mistake. He will for sure think she's the perfect women. He's grinning at her like a school kid.

"Un..." she admits it too late, and then realized what just happened. Her forehead suddenly cracks into stress lines, but she doesn't get rude. She instead pretends to be occupied and ignored him.

Less than an hour after leaving the road we spot the heavy armors far away, near the town. It's weird because they are supposed to be following Oleg's commands.

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