Chapter 109

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Author Update;

So... the guy programming my website ran into problems. Its not even close to being done. I'm trying to see if the guy can even finish. Turns out not everyone on fiver is a professional. I do like the guy but if he can't finish then I can't use the site. So that's something stressful right now.

But I have some other things I'm working on.

I'm going to have another book release soon. I'm trying to decide which one though, as I have a couple that are actually close to being ready. I hope to announce which one next week, after having a few days to go over it.

I still plan on having another free story up on my website if it can get done, and already getting that ready. Plus, I believe I've learned a lot and much better in my progress as a writer on current and newer stories compared to when Kidnapped to Another World was written.

Thank you very much for your support.


 Chapter 109

We panic and are running around for an hour trying to find Rina. The dwarves got into it too and are searching all over.

The whole time my heart is beating like crazy. With each passing minute we worry more. Where could she be? Was she taken off by the goblins to become one of their breeders? It's a fate worse than death and I'm in so much neck deep stress that I've got a cold sweat.

"We'll find her. I promise you I'll try to find her," Asakura gives me an empathetic hug. But I break off the hug because I'm frantic.

But then Svinn comes to see me looking sober. I can tell he wants to say something very difficult.

"I think we need to expand the search for your Rina to include under the building rubble," he said.

A lot of them look grim, even the dwarves who have lost people are empathetic because they know we've contributed more than anyone to saving their town.

"M-make it so," I whispered hoarsely.

The search continued with only bad news for another hour. We found some of the dwarves' sheep had been culled, and some of their goats too. There aren't very many other bodies but the damage to their agriculture can hit them pretty hard when winter comes.

Suddenly Svinn comes running up to me. "Come quick, Shun! We think we've found her!"

Asakura and I are jumping up and down while crying in happiness. She hugs me so tightly in relief that I fear my ribs will break.

So we follow the dwarves towards some of the worst damaged areas of their town.

We found Rina trapped under and behind the water canal flow gate sopping wet and shivering with terrible cold. She'd hidden there when goblins had breached the wall, just out of sight under some pond lilies while waiting out the fight. But she was trapped there when rubble covered part of the grate and she was afraid to call out for help because of fear of being taken away. It was really a close call to because she had a breathing hole only about three inches from being submerged completely underwater.

I'm surprised she even managed to find it because of being underground and it's somewhat dark still even though the keep has a lot of lighting beacons and enchanted torches.

By now she's got a cold and shaking badly. I have to hold her between me and Asakura to warm her up while the dwarves throw blankets on her. My heal doesn't always take the sting off viral infections and things like exposure, though it will ensure someone lives through them.

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