Chapter 153

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Thank you for reading.

Also if you are interested in Children's books. I put out a children's book for younger children that is an educational tool for like less than 12 years old. You can find it on Amazon under the pen name 'Paper Blacksmith'. I did this because I want to keep my stories here marked and not associated with kids stories to protect them and not expose them to adult stories. My focus will still be on this genere (lit rpg and lit rpg harem). But some of you may have kids and be looking for good influences for children. I also wanted to be a teacher but my health wasn't good for standing long hours in the classroom. And so by doing children's educational books on the side every once in awhile I can be a good influence and still teach children. The story there on Amazon is 'The Children's Book of Bees', an ebook. I'll be adding other farm animal type books there later on, and only doing conservative wholesome good influence and educational stuff there under that pen name for kids. 

But don't worry I'm still writing all the time for this story and others. 

Have a great day friends. 

Chapter 153

Back in reality, with the dwarves...

As soon as I shut the door I find it's totally dark in the room.

Thankfully we finally got some rest after the whole mess with the dwarven city invasion, arriving at our roam to groan from lactic acid build up, sore muscles and feet, and collapse onto the beds almost before we could wipe the grit of our clothes and body. That's where the adventurer job's cleanup spell came in handy from Sunghee.

Guards are trying to calm people down and herd them outside our room and outside the inn with a lot of panicked people still in the street so unlike other nights we keep our window shut, but everyone is staying armed now and alert so we can live with letting them tough it out while we catch a few Zs.

With the fighting spirit raised the city is starting to gain order again. The city is trying to pull itself out of the ashes, even literally in some places. If this were a non-magic world and if I were a non-magic class I would probably do like police and firefighters and go without sleep for three days to help them but the recent meeting with Cassius also showed me that's not possible for mages. If we don't' rest our mana core gets fucked up badly.

And it's not easy, requiring a lot of volunteer work, just to get rid of the ruined furniture, buildings, smoky ruins, and destroyed messes of walls, shops, and businesses. Those are things others can do. And the sooner we rest the sooner we can help fight goblins again. Fighting goblins on 2 days with no sleep just doesn't work anyway.

We'd been worried they might try to kick us out of the adventurer's inn, because so many people are looking for replacement housing now that the whole east side of town has virtually caved in. It wouldn't be hard for someone to get bribed to leave, or even just bribe the inn official to tell someone to leave to give up their room. People don't think about the fact that their rights and freedoms exist based on if an official or person in charge refuses to cater to inequality, and shifts in power away from normal people, or schemes that come at the expense of the poor or middle class.

They resorted to setting up cots even, in the inn courtyard area that's outside, but still within the confines of the inn's tall property line fences. They also put guards up but the whole courtyard is filled almost like a church yard would like on worship days. The inn staff are a bit gruff and having to run around all over the place; while they didn't kick us out we had to listen to the innkeeper wine to everyone about how soon they could give some space to others.

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