Chapter 108

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 Chapter 108

In the Dwarven settlement keep; aftermath

"Can we go home and rest soon?" Asakura asked me with puppy dog eyes right before we go through the door made of weird faintly glowing stars and starlight. She's still in happy mode. I like it. But she's kind of giving me a pleading kind of look.

"I'm feeling kind of itchy. Can you give me a back rub?" she asked. She rolled her shoulders when she did it. She looks very hopeful.

"Back rub? Why a back rub? That's the second time you've asked that," I said.

"I don't know. I can't explain it. I just feel so much better when you do. Maybe I should ask a third?" she smiled big.

"Not a good time for that," I shook my head, gesturing at the door.

Before going through the door we used some of the alcohol wipe sealed packets that I was able to get from the summon supply box spell. There were also disposable combs there too, which Asakura found fascinating. She likes them almost as much as Sunghee does. It only took another couple of additional minutes before we step through, looking all cleaned up and freshed.

"Sweet. I love these. If only we had a house and electricity too. Wish we could stay in here longer. It was fun just being a couple alone for awhile," she said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"We need to make sure Rina is OK," I countered.

I heard her muttering something.

Then we stepped through the magic twilight door that's been waiting for us this whole time. It warps us back to the dwarven town's time space zone after leaving the dimensional pocket arena zone.

After a rush of vertigo we find ourselves back in reality. Then we's like we spilled out onto the ground. Vertigo really isn't a fun thing to feel. It takes a second to get to our feet after feeling like we're made out of jell-o.

"What the hell?!" Asakura cried out putting her hands up.

"Don't shoot!" she added with wide eyes in half panic.

We hear them sound something in dwarven at us. I suspect it's the dwarven version of "don't move or we'll shoot, or don't make any sudden moves. The dwarves keep saying it several times. Because I'm also a magic user they are probably also scared I'll set off some kind of bomb in front of them.

There's a barked command from one of the dwarven officers in their language and the men which were excitedly running this direction suddenly stop. They are hurrying to get control of the situation while we have to sit there with our tired hands and arms up in the air until they ache. There's more shouting and orders but things calm down quickly.

But they are staring at us, and some of them are the dwarven heavy armors with about a dozen crossbows being pointed at us. It's a sort of half circle formation around the door we'd stepped out of. It seems the door of twilight had been standing in the middle of the dwarven town plaza. Because of that a whole squad of dwarves had also been standing here for several hours guarding it wondering what was going to come out the other side.

And we just happened to have the luck of the draw coming through when they were worried about demon invasions going through it.

Some of them argue back and forth. They still look tense. We're lucky that they'd been getting bored watching the doors because it looks likely we could have easily been accidentally shot just for being the first thing they see coming through the door.

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