Chapter 128 & Update

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 Dreamweaver Chapter 128

We're now in the Ever Dungeon and have just popped through harshly onto our buts in the middle of a random tunnel somewhere that's pretty dark and hard to see in. We'd only been inside the tunnel system for a half hour, or so when already things are happening.

"Where the hell are we?" Jimmy grumbled as he looked around holding up a torch.

He's searching the corridor around us which is now dark. The air is a bit musty and almost like you can smell a mild feeling of wetness in the air that is completely on a different level from the chamber above. But there aren't any other markings to tell that anyone else has been here even though the other teams went in ahead of us.

Quickly Jimmy moves about studying the lay of the cave while Moose is carefully watching him.

"Can you tell anything yet?" he asked.

"Just that I think we landed in a different spot than the other teams. There's no landing markers or footprints," Jimmy replies.

"That's how this dungeon is. It's spooky as hell," Moose admitted.

Everywhere the darkness is so think, you could almost touch cut it with a knife. Sure enough behind us there isn't even the exit there. It's like we got stranded in nowhere land.

We will have to find a way out. The exit is not at the entrance!

"Why is that? Shouldn't they have landed in the same place?" a newbie asked.

"Like I said, this dungeon changes daily. It's also deadly. It's not surprising it would also dump us at a different spot than the other teams. But we might run into signs of them at least later on if we keep moving," the dwarf shrugged.

"Of course that makes my job tougher too but more important. If you know what to look for you can find the way quicker than normal," the dwarf added.

"Let's get moving. I don't like staying in one place too long," Jimmy said.

"You guys are using torches? Isn't that primitive?" one of the little ex cons asks.

"Don't you need a torch?" one of the guys asked.

He pointed to his eyes, "dwarves have night vision. It's not perfect though."

But I knew that.

"There's a reason we like torches, even though we could get disposable spelled light items," Jimmy said, giving him a stupid look and shaking his head.

The dwarf glared back in response. "I see." I did notice the dwarf had some kind of device he carried on a necklace to track air flow. So he's thought of that himself but in a different way.

Jimmy has some kind of magic inventory too and it's full of torches, which he showed to him and us. But his inventory has way fewer slots than mine does.

"Wow, nice. Can I have one too?" one of the others says seeing him open it.

He was about to walk forward but Moose's huge arm grabbed his face with a terribly powerful grip and pushed him back away.

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