Chapter 179 Part A

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Chapter 179 Part A

Is this the prisoner ending in some RPG games?

Its not as glorious as that one game makes it sound.

All kinds of pieces of garbage and refuse are being thrown at us while we're being paraded through the streets. We're all locked in cages like mob trophies. The dwarves get a kick out of throwing trash at prisoners I guess. And a lot of the soldiers are there to not only watch us but also to keep the mob from swarming our wagon cage cells.

Sometimes the pieces of garbage can hurt also because when they throw them they are strong.

It seems that they've had this vampire problem for awhile but it was all kept secret and couldn't admit it, so now they want to take advantage of the chance to gloat. And the vampire problem being kept secret may be why the crowd is all riled up now; they want revenge. We can hear the harsh sounds of the booing crowd go on endlessly while they make the carts we're in go extra slow to show off.

"Wow, I had no idea they had a vampire problem," I noted mostly to myself.

Mallory is quiet and tight lipped right now. So while she sounded like she was loyal before I'm not sure what she's really thinking or if that was only conditional loyalty while I was on top. Come to think of it, there's nothing actually making her part of my team yet, so I don't know if any of that is fake or verifiable.

Sylvie next to me is quiet.

I can't believe this? How did it become like this?! We're innocent! I've been fighting evil all this time! How could it become so bad, so fast?

And the worst part of this is they want us to kill each other so they have us all in the same cage that is something like a metal box on wagon wheels pulled by a slow moving golem and escorted by dwarven city guards with me and Sylvie thrown in the back with Mallory. I think they know putting a bunch of vampires in tight spaces next to non-vampires full of blood isn't a safe idea. In one of the other carts two vampires are already fighting and biting each other like crazy to fight over space while drawing blood from blows that keep escalating. The crowd jeered and laughed as the two vamps in that cart keep maiming each other with no end.

I had no idea the two vamps in that one cart had, even start fighting each other that fast, and its almost like two sharks fighting over a small tuna. They'd also encouraged it by making them fight over bits of food, after wounding them both.

This whole time tons of garbage has bounced off my jacket.

They'd laughed about it before throwing us in here with Mallory, hoping for the same thing and are jeering her on. Ahead of us to make sure nobody tries anything stupid that same war twin that has arrested us is waving to the crowd like he's in a parade with a smug look on his face.

And the beautiful but short seductress loli faced big boobed Mallory looks hungry while she's staring at me with red rimmed eyes. That makes me nervous. I remembered what I'd seen of her friends eating their brethren and I don't want that to happen to me. I'm pretty sure she's stronger than I am too.

Sylvie is standing guard over me like a guard dog, and looking like she'll make a vampire look like a kitten but that doesn't change the fact that we have no idea how Mallory will react. And Sylvie has a disadvantage because she's so large in a small cage making it hard for her to even not bang her elbows on the cage walls.

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