Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

Cautiously we're all trying to deny the inevitable and cheat it, any way possible!

And the inevitable is that this cursed place is all trying to kill us, not just the monsters, but the entire dungeon system. Everything here is meant to give us the death flag.

We were never meant to leave it alive!

"Can you see anything ahead?" Sunghee whispered. We all stayed low. It seems also that the longer we have to wait for Fox while we're alone in the dark ups our stress level a bit.

Sunghee is pretty awesome like that in staying positive and forward thinking to counter it but I can see we're both struggling with the thought of what if there are other things out there that we still haven't discovered yet? She is staying very protective of me and ready to intercept most the trouble that looks like it might go for me while she's near me. It's very humbling to see that kind of inspiring loyalty, whether or not the pheromones are involved or aren't involved.

Of course Fox is ahead a bit taking care of business in her own way. When she is overdue or takes longer than normal scouting ahead it makes me really nervous. The darkness created more fear. I also had to try to cover up the light with my hand sometimes. I just realized the light is bad if it attracts attention. Everything is so dark; something like this will stand out significantly.

Fox just nods and holds a hand up for us to stay still while she moves ahead part way but not too far away that she's not with us either. Fox can see ahead in the dark, thus its no big deal for her to be slightly ahead of my light and we can see a flicker of vague shadow at times letting us know how close she is before she bounces back in the radius of the light. I wonder how far her night vision goes. I haven't tested it yet. It's not an infinite night vision but still, even a small amount is a big difference. Because Fox is trying to catch them by surprise I have to hang way back with my light spell while trying to cover it up mostly. The light spell is a dead giveaway something is there.

But how far does the imp night vision go? Can they see farther than she can? Fox seems to like being in light quite a bit, but imps love the dark. So if my hypothesis is correct they actually might have a disadvantage in sunlight and be more home in the darkness than anything else. Plus their eyes are all black with huge pupils and the light reflects off them in the dark in strange ways that show she's not human, but not ugly either.

Until now I hadn't realized what that particular detail.

A full two minutes later Fox comes back, staying low on the floor. Her own body language right now tells us something is way off. She's being extra cautious. That means there's definitely something ahead of us.

If she'd not seen anything she wouldn't have had to be as careful.

Still we keep as quiet as we can.

Unlike the movies, and games monsters can roam in dungeons. Theoretically we have to be able to fight at any second. We also have to watch behind us as well.

For that reason I think our party is too small. We should have an extra person acting as rear guard. Actually I'd like another bodyguard besides Sunghee too, so that she can fight without worry and maybe someone behind me.

"Whole room full of them ahead," Fox said carefully in a guarded low voice. I can see a bit of worry on the crease in her forehead. Despite being very young, she still sometimes gets a worry wrinkle sometimes but it mostly would have been considered cute if this weren't a life and death situation.

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