Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Morning of Day 14 since entering the gnome's warren;

One word puts the fear into all our hearts as we see the first one come through the small dwarf door. And everyone the small creepy evil soldier's wicked smile as it's on our side of the door!

"Goblins," one of the gnome elders says near us as we were wondering what they were. He's cursing partly in our language and partly in gnomish. They have a lot of racial slurs for goblins that won't go directly into our language.

The gnome lieutenant is near him. I hear them discussing it.

Damn it...

Really? That's what goblins look like?

They do match the description, but in mythology goblins seem to be portrayed as these wimpy push over creatures. These look extremely fierce and cunning, though still small. The intensity of evil and depredation in their eyes and on their faces makes me not want to under estimate them. Also they move so quick and are completely ruthless. Nothing about them is afraid to move.

This particular one streaks across the courtyard to dodge arrows and soldiers trying to slash it. It didn't last long and is killed off by a dwarven axe wielder. But its disturbing that it got on our wide of the fortifications.

"But which clan are they?" The lieutenant says back in the language enchant. He wants to go to the front line but he's fishing for clues from the elder on anything that might help him fight back.

"I'm not familiar with goblin heraldry unfortunately. I think it reads as 'Spitting Rock Clan? Sorry I'm not more well versed in their factions," he shrugs.

"Is it political then to not admit you are right about goblin heraldry?" I muttered under my breath. Of course I didn't say it to the others so they didn't hear me.

"Dang. I was hoping you didn't say that," came back the reply as the two are talking to each other.

"They're the new move-ins to that old cavern right?"

"That's what the scout said last year. But was he thorough? We thought nobody was left in there, but this is a sizable force."

"I doubt it. It was an old cavern abandoned from plague hitting it hard. Anyone who goes there would be aware of the superstitions and that would make them reluctant to scout a new goblin community. If you thought you would get infected with sickness by scouting a territory how would you do the job without being overcome with fear?"

"Eh?! Goblins?" Asakura exclaims. She tugs at my sleeve.

"What? Are you sure? It seems this world, has a lot of weird creatures huh," Rina is also confused seeing it.

"Don't get close to them. We need to find out what we're dealing with first," I warned her.

She nods very seriously. "I wasn't going to..." she shakes her head.

"Are there really such things? I know that's what they said, but it can't be right?" Asakura asks.

"We survived orcs. We can survive this," I said to her, patting her on the back.

Yumi remains silent. She's very skeptical about a plan of action. It's good that she's not in charge. "No, no, no, no! This can't be happening! I don't want this!" she's holding her head now in her hands. I didn't realize Yumi was in this fragile state. Has always being the first on the front line because of her shield ability made her feel trauma?

I'd better talk to her later about this.

Yumi is buckling on some homemade knee guards. It's a good idea. I wish she'd said she had such things. I would have wanted to see if we could replicate the same invention for the others. But it is her personal property so I can't complain.

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