Chapter 116 & notes on upcoming release

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Author Notes;

Thank you for reading and for your support!

Also, I'm excited to let you know I'm working on and editing the next release for the most recent book release I did. So this means, I'm editing and trying to get Book 2 of the Last Mage in Minnesota ready for release! Very exciting and fun. I hope to have a better idea of a date release for this next week. I'd originally planned to release in July, but I got very sick recently. That delayed things.

But I want readers to know I'm still working hard for them and still have momentum.

Thank you.

 Chapter 116

Dream State, second try to survive the Doppelganger Girl

I hadn't even been in the dream state for ten seconds, and my eyes are still adjusting to the change in the light and atmosphere when I hear and feel Fox yelling while tugging desperately on my sleeve. "Hurry Shun! We have to stay moving!" She's really stressed out and almost ready to lose her cool, which is saying a lot for her, who never loses her head.

I turned just in time and Fox has yanked me out of the way from a massively powerful overhand weapon chop from Doppelganger Girl. I can feel the air whistle by my ear and it scared the crap out of me. Wow, how did she know where we would re-spawn or enter at?

"I thought I told you to be careful!" she shouted.


I still haven't learned how to get the shields and buffs up before automatically transitioning into the dream state.

There's another heavy overhand chop follow up from Doppelganger again as she charges in before we can scatter. We're trying to pick up speed but Doppelganger is just really persistent.

"Watch it!" she barked. And like that we're off again with her pulling me by the arm and trying to get me to pick up speed quicker.

"Another marathon sprint," I muttered.

"If you want to live, learn to marathon," Fox said quickly.

Doppelganger Girl says nothing...most of the time. But sometimes she mimicks what we say word for word but in a weird tone that screams psychotic illness.

But she's more rested than I wanted her to be or at least has the appearance of it. Somehow she's tapped into my fatigue restoration system, I think. It normally would restore Fox's fatigue to a certain point because it was a full day later and both Haruka and Ayumi were channeling energy that was going through the Demon Box into me and her. But Doppelganger shouldn't be able to steal or siphon that off but she has.

So the demon box is working against me. Will it always work against me from now on or only when it wants to feed?

She's still able to gain on us before I hurriedly hit her with the movement debuff spell. Then I buff both of us with + movement and then finish off every buff and debuff that I can.

"Good, we're gaining some ground," Fox said hoarsely.

"Let's keep it going," I said.

"I hope you managed to come up with some plan since last I saw you," she raised a questioning look to me.

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