Chapter 131

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 Dreamweaver Chapter 131

"Who the hell are you?" the dwarf Gyle asked.

He's staring in surprise at the visitors that have tried to sneak up on us. I think he's wondering first why I helped him, and then also how I'm so overpowered and then who the other guys are that have snuck up on us most of all, and then also lastly how we lived through a mage that can blow shit up easily. He's kept his weapon ready, ready to defend, but is starting to calm down. Seems like he's not a bad guy...but he's nervous. People do stupid stuff when they are nervous so we're not out of the clear.

It's a lot for a dwarf to take in all at once by himself but he seems to be handling it well.

The brown robed mage's retinue doesn't like his disrespect. They are still in a weapon up position but waiting for orders.

"You want us to kill them boss?" one of the guys asked meekly, but not meekly to us.

"I'd prefer we didn't kill anyone that we shouldn't. These two are probably more trouble than they are worth," another said. He seems like a level headed type but he's probably not in charge by a long shot.

"Watch your tongue. Show some respect," another guard said shaking his spear. He was directing his comment to the dwarf however, not his own men.

"Um, the kobolds are still going to organize a counter attack. We also don't want any trouble from you and wish for a peaceful arrangement. So can we talk about this later after the kobolds are taken care of?" I asked.

I was careful to not move. The others are trying to figure out why we're still alive and worried we're a threat now and that's probably all that's kept us alive.

That reminds them again that there are more pressing issues.

"I think we should kill him," one of the guards said to the mage, who is thinking something. I can't tell why he's thinking undecidedly however.

"We can work out a deal. We have some things that can benefit you. You have some things that can benefit us through cooperation. There's plenty of opportunity here for all of us," Gyle said, looking the mage in the eye.

Oh he's good. He just said the right thing. But I won't go away with the shirt on my back to make a deal work.

"Why should we make a deal with you?" The mage finally said tiredly.

"First should we introduce ourselves. We don't know you," the dwarf said.

"I'm the great fire mage, Cassius Doyle. These are my loyal guards and team with my lieutenant," he said gesturing to his team. He seems well educated and cultured. Without being arrogant or condescending he's able to articulate himself with style too. The mage's team stood still, while still bristling their weapons.

Nobody is relaxing. Why won't they stand down? Is it because they don't trust us or because they are aggressive like Moose? Perhaps...yeah, it has to be because of Moose and Jimmy.

"If this is about that Moose asshole and the knife thrower whiner, we're not with them anymore and never liked them from the beginning," I said.

The other guys laughed. It cut the tension a little bit, but we're not done yet.

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